So much like last month, October has been a busy month. We are nearly finished with getting the house ready for putting it up for sale and the hallway is pretty much finished now aside from lighting which we’ll hopefully be putting up this weekend. If you checked out my blog post earlier this week, you’ll know we’ve also been finishing the original floors in the bedroom and those are nearly done too. The house is currently in a bit of chaos with all the additional last-minute work we’re doing but I think with one last push this weekend, it’ll be ready.

Something for the Weekend Oct 17

One thing I’ve been really keen on doing for, well, years now (!), is a full video house tour. For those in the UK familiar with this style of house, it’s not as difficult to understand the layout but I know for my readers abroad, it’s always hard to sort of understand the flow of a house without a bit of walkthrough. So I’m arranging for a friend who is a great videographer to film the house next week once it’s all done so you can really get a feel of how the house all works together. I’m really looking forward to having that one last homage to this house preserved on video before we move. So stay tuned for that.


As for October, in between house updates, I managed to squeeze in a 4-day press trip to Sweden. You’ll have seen my coverage on the WanΓ₯s Estate earlier this month but I still want to share with you some amazing design hotspots in SkΓ₯ne so once I get through my 800+ photos on that, I’ll be sharing soon!


I also travelled to London last week to attend the Amara Interior Blog Awards ceremony which was rather fabulous, as it always is. This year I was a judge and it was just so nice to be able to go there completely relaxed without my heart pounding in my chest when they announced the categories! I met so many amazing bloggers and got to catch up with some old friends. It was a lovely night so huge thanks to Amara for hosting.


It appears I’ve been shortlisted for another award (this has been a pretty crazy year, it’s my 5th nomination! What!) but I’ve been nominated for Most Addictive Blog in the Thirty Plus Blog Awards which is so so fantastic! I’d be so grateful if you wouldn’t mind throwing a vote my way. You can do that here:

Thirty Plus Blog Awards

I also found out I was #4 on Feathr’s Top 50 Trending Blogs which was so cool. So many great blogs on that list if you are looking for some new ones to add to your read list!


Bengal cat sleeping on leopard print chair

This post coming soon! But how cute is Meisha? I mean seriously.

I was honoured to be featured in Hitachi Finance’s post on the Best Home Improvement Blogs to Follow recently. Lots of great blogs of all kinds if you are looking at making improvements in your home.

I was featured in Topology (another Amara winner!) in their post on Top Instagram Accounts for Animal Lovers. If you love furry friends as much as I do, then you’ll love all their suggestions!

Shutterfly included my DIY Room Spray in their post on the Top 20 Thoughtful Christmas Gifts for Teachers. So many great suggestions in that post so do check that out.

And The Upcyclist included my bedroom in her blog post on 10 Simple Home Decoration Ideas that will Tempt You to Paint It Black. So if you are considering using black in your interiors (and of course I’m going to tell you that you should) there is a whole bunch of inspiration in that post.


So this is the part of the post when I share where I’ve been chatting about interiors for various websites over the past month! I’m rounding them up to make it easy for you to have a look when you get some time this weekend and fancy a bit of light reading! Of course, I wouldn’t expect anyone to read ALL of these but if something catches your eye, then I’d love for you to have a little look.Β Each link opens in a new window so you can just click the ones you like the look of and go back to it later!


Glam Halloween Decor

Decorating for a Practical Thanksgiving (Oak Furnitureland US)

Bon Fire Night Party Inspiration (Tile Mountain)

Stylish Halloween Party Ideas (Oak Furniture Land US)

Halloween Decoration Inspiration (Tile Mountain)


coffee table styling with peonies

How to Use Marble Furniture in the Home (Avant Homes)

Trend Watch: Velvet (Avant Homes)

Trend: Pink & Green (Oak Furniture Land)

Trend: Brass & Gold (Oak Furniture Land)


vintage rattan hoop chair with grey mongolian sheep skin throw and fiddle leaf fig

How to Create a Cosy Living Room (Oak Furniture Land)

How to Decorate with Red (Oak Furniture Land US)

Five Reasons Tiles are Better Than Vinyl (Tile Mountain)

What’s Coming Up in November

Autumn floral centrepiece from Venus Flowers Manchester

So, as I mentioned, we’ll hopefully be finishing up THE WHOLE HOUSE very soon which, after 7 years, is particularly crazy. House will go on the market very soon so it’s all hands on deck to make sure everything is looking it’s best for viewers. I’ll be sharing the finished bedroom flooring as well as the updated hallway very very soon!

I’ve also got a gorgeous table setting post as previewed above coming up next week. I partnered with a local florist and I can’t wait to share that one.

I’ve also visited the lovely Yuva Medispa in Alderly Edge and got some incredible treatments so I’ll be sharing what I got up to there very soon.

I’m off to the Vuelio Blog Awards in London on the 24th so another evening of glitz and glamour! Keep your fingers crossed for me as I’m up for Best Interior Design Blog – eek! So exciting! (PS don’t forget to vote for Swoon Worthy in the Thirty Plus Awards please – I’d be so grateful!)

And crazy enough, I’m off to Sweden AGAIN at the end of the month but this time for a trip to IKEA HQ – how cool is that? I can’t wait to see behind the scenes of this incredible company. I’m sure I’ll be sharing loads over on my Instagram Stories so be sure to be following me so you don’t miss out on the action. If you haven’t seen some of my favourite picks from IKEA for Autumn, you can check that out here.

How’s your month been? Anything interesting happening in your world? Do tell!

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