So as you probably know, we’ve recently had some electrical work done where the living room, master bedroom and both hallways were rewired. It’s messy work but it’s one of those things that is always better to get out of the way before you do any decorating and once it’s done, it’s done and youΒ don’t have to worry about it again for a very very long time!

Whilst we wait for the very long process of approvals by the council, party wall permissions and all that very un-fun stuff for our upcoming extension and kitchen remodel,Β my initial plan was that the first room we were really going to tackle in terms of decorating wasΒ the living roomΒ  I figured because there wasn’t much to patch up in the living room in terms of the electrical work, it would be a fairly quick job to at least get the painting and decorating done as well as pick up a few key pieces I needed.

The bedroom, on the other hand, had a lot more remedial work required. Because my future plans included hanging pendants above the bedside tables in the bedroom, the electricians have had to dig channels out of the walls in order to fit the wiring.Β Now, of course, the room had to be cleared out of all our stuff while the electricians did their thing and while a few things moved back in once we’d cleaned up a bit, there were only minimal items in the room.

This weekend, we moved the bed out, put dust sheets on a few pieces of furniture and cleared whatever remaining bits were in the room so we could get on with plastering the walls and sanding.

We’ve been sleeping in the guest bedroom while this all takes place and while the work is coming along just fine, we realised it might be a bit silly not to take advantage of the fact that the room is cleared out – ie, primed and ready to get on with other work in there. So we’ve decided that instead of working on the living room (which, to be honest, is definitely more liveable), that instead, we’d move the bedroom up the priority list.

So, as a result of this change of direction, I’ve had to switch gears quite quickly in my head. My plan for the master bedroom had always been to use a large black & white wall mural on the back wall and patch and paint. With the room already clear of pretty much everything, I could easily get on with my plans. Of course, we don’t want to be sleeping in our guest bedroom for weeks and weeks so we’re looking at doing the decorating work as soon as possible.

Sadly, I don’t have a huge budget set aside for the bedroom so I can’t get all my plans done at once (ie, I’d love a new bed and maybe some new bedside tables, art, a rug, etc!). Instead, I’m taking the ‘slow decorating’ route, phasing the work and any purchases. And that means that for now, anyway, I’m going to work with the furniture that I already have in the room. Basically, I’ll be concentrating on the walls and the lighting and that’s it for now.

Regardless, it should be a pretty big change so I figured I’d share my plans with you today as a sort of ‘Phase 1’ for the bedroom remodel and then in time, we’ll change up things as we have the money.

Rebel Walls Jungle Land Wall Mural

I’ve spoken previously of a few wall murals I had my eye on for the bedroom but it was when I saw Kate Watson-Smyth’s weekly post 10 Beautiful Rooms and she shared Kyla Magrath’s stunning living room, that I realised I’d actually completely missed this one by Rebel Walls in my search. It’s pretty much exactly what I was looking for!

So, rather than waste any time, I figured I’d get it ordered asap. It should be here within the next week or so and I’ve also ordered some paint samples from Earthborn. I’m considering either Peach Baby or Cupcake but I’m not sure how ‘pink’ Wayne will let me get away with.

Trust me when I say I would have loved to keep the pink we already have on the walls but there’s no way that Wayne will let me. Having pink walls for a couple of months now has been pretty fun but yeah, it’s just not gonna happen. Sometimes in relationships, you just gotta make compromises and while he’s normally happy to give me free reign, there are some things he really just doesn’t like and pink walls are one of those things.Β And so I’m looking at something in more of a peachy colorway instead and adding a few more pink accessories. Baby steps. people, baby steps! Ha!

Bedroom Makeover Phase 1

Also included in this Phase 1 makeover are new switchplates in brass and pendant lights from Swoon Editions. I’ll be using the light fixture we used to have in our old living room in here as well as reintroducing an ornate ceiling rose which was sadly removed at some point in our home’s history.

I would have absolutely loved to get a rug for in here and a bench for the end of the bed too but, with a very limited budget, those will all have to happen over time. In the meantime, hopefully, I’ll be sharing a slightly updated room with you where there aren’t horrible led lights and battered walls in the coming weeks!

I’m excited to finally get on with some proper updates around here! Even though we’ve only lived in our house for 4 months, I’ve not had a proper decorating project for months now and it’s honestly KILLING me! ;)

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