This is going to be a bit of a weird post but I shared something on Instagram a few weeks’ back and thought I’d expound a little on the blog today. I have a bit of a weird obsession. I am REALLY into art with lady faces. WTF? Yeah, hear me out there.

I’m not sure what it is but over the last couple of years, I have seemed to amass a collection of various pieces that have a very common theme. They are all figurative art in that they show people but every single last one of them is the picture of a woman’s face. Some are illustrations, some paintings, some more abstract, some figurative but they all have that in common.

So I thought I’d share my collection!


black bedroom with gallery wall and vintage chest of drawers

I don’t have many gallery walls left in my house but I do have this small collection above the chest of drawers in my bedroom. The largest piece is a Rosie Emerson limited edition print which I adore called Shrine #5. Β To the left, is a framed postcard from an exhibition of one of my favourite photographers, Kirsty Mitchell – I figured if I can’t afford an original or a print, I could have a little bit of her work somewhere! Β That particular piece is called Gaia The Birth of an End. The third piece on the bottom left should really be re-framed but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet but it’s also a postcard featuring Alexandra Gallagher’s Chasing Poppy. I would love to get one of her limited-edition prints in time, so I’m holding out for now!

black bedroom with art

On the wall on the right-hand side is a pair of quirky prints by Sam over on Eclectic Street on Instagram. She’s got fabulous taste and she’s an incredibly talented artist so if you fancy getting your hands on some prints yourself, send her a DM over there and tell her I sent you.Β The top one is calledΒ Kate’s HidingΒ and the one below is calledΒ Liz In Full Bloom.

The Kitchen

pink grey and gold gallery wall in kitchen with white marble effect tiles

Another small gallery wall is in my kitchen as I never really knew what to do with this wall and I didn’t want to put up yet more shelving in here as I feared the space would just look too cluttered. So a wall of art it is. The one on the top left will probably be quite familiar to you as I’ve probably seen it 100 times now since I purchased it (one of the problems with mass-produced art I suppose) but it’s by Jenny Liz Rome andΒ Ruban IrelandΒ and I fell in love with it immediately. It’s called Marianna which I purchased over on Society 6.

The Living Room

wallpaper chest of drawers

Weirdly, I don’t have a lot of art in my living room. The wallpaper is so bold that I’ve never wanted much to compete with it but I do have this gorgeous print from another favourite artist/illustrator, Leigh Viner. I could hardly believe it after admiring her work for so long to stumble upon this piece called Current at John Lewis where her prints are on sale for a mere Β£5!!! You can get your hands on more of her work for the same price here.

Dressing Room

dressing room shelving

In the dressing room, another mass produced print from DesenioΒ called Beige Fur. It’s not one of my favourites to be totally honest, I just wanted something up there so ordered it on a whim! I mean, for around a tenner, it’ll do for now!

The Bathroom

bathroom art

This is a really hard one to photograph so I had to go looking to see if I had one that showed it off well because the bathroom is so tiny that getting a good angle is near on impossible. However, this is called Jilted by Nathan Wright. I quite like that those who have to – ahem – stand up to use a toilet get to look at a firearm pointed in their direction. (Do they look at the gun or do they look at the boobs?)

The Dining Room

dining room with pink art

In the dining room, I sort of went a bit nuts with the whole ‘lady faces’ theme. Above my mantle is my piΓ¨ce de rΓ©sistance – probably my favourite print in my whole home. It’s by Gina Julian and it’s called Marie.

dining room with vintage sideboard and art

On the side wall is a print by Jenny Liz Rose on Society6 called Bear #3. I love how fierce she is and how much movement there is in this one.

black and gold sideboard with gold accessories

On the console table is another postcard from the same Kirsty Mitchell exhibition. This one is calledΒ The Secret Locked in the Roots of a Kingdom.Β You can see how easily I framed themΒ here.Β I love how quickly these have gone from ‘postcard’ to ‘cool little piece of artwork’ in one simple step with some inexpensive custom framing.

dining room vintage sideboard

And then finally, on the sideboard here, I have another favourite (also mass-produced which I have no problem with when they are this good) isΒ Seasonal by Beth Hoeckel which again, is fromΒ Society 6.

I thought I’d do a quick roundup as well to see all of my favourites in one place for those that you can easily buy yourself!

Female Subject Lady Faces in Art Favourites from Swoon Worthy

1 – Shrine #2 Rosie EmersonΒ / 2 – Marie Gina Julian / 3 – Seasonal Beth Hoeckel / 4 – Current Leigh Viner Β / 5 – Beige Fur Desenio / 6 – Bear #3 Jenny Liz Rome / 7 – Marianna Jenny Liz Rome and Ruben Ireland / 8 – Chasing Poppy Alexandra Gallagher

So that’s my full round-up of all the ‘lady face’ artwork in my home. I think abstracts are another one of my favourites! Any favourites of the ones I have?Β Do you have a favourite type of art that you find yourself drawn to?Β Who are some of your go-to artists? I’d love to hear your favourites!

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