Now please know I’m not going to patronise you with a proper how-to on this one. In fact, it’s not really a how-to at all, it’s just me sharing because ya know, I’m a blogger and therefore am naturally AN OVERSHARER*.

*It’s okay, I’m not going to tell you about any weird rashes or anything – continue to eat your lunch or dinner or whatever it is you may be consuming whilst you partake of the gifts of the internet. Ahem.

So… ya know I went to see one of my favourite photographers, Kirsty Mitchell at the Mead Carney Gallery in London in May? If not, you can check that out here. But regardless, she’s awesome. (And as of publishing this post, the exhibition is still on but only until Saturday, the 13th so if you haven’t yet made it, be quick about it.)

What’s not so awesome is the cold hard realisation that short of a lottery win or finding out I have some rich old relative who has left me sh*tloads of money in his/her will (I don’t have one of those), I will never own a piece of her work. She sells mainly to collectors and people who can afford to buy art that costs thousands and thousands of pounds and please know, I completely understand her reasons for this. What she does is pure unadulterated craft and she should charge accordingly.

But what about me? Little fan girl here in Manchester who wants a piece of pretty Kirsty Mitchell cake too? Well, I did the next best thing. Β I grabbed two of the postcards at the gallery featuring her work and framed them instead.

I added some of Kirsty Mitchell's work to my home by framing postcards as art

Yes, they are custom frames but I use for a lot of my art simply because it’s cheap and it’s quick and for around Β£15 per frame, it’s not terribly expensive. (nope, not sponsored, just where I get them)

After going to Kirsty Mitchell's  exhibition I picked up some postcards to frame as art

I think for small pieces like this, it’s worth going for the double mount option – mostly because I like the way it looks but also for only a tiny bit more, I think it adds a bit of gravitas to a smaller piece. It stops looking like a free postcard and it starts looking like a small piece of art.

Gaia The Birth of an End (the yellow one with the headdress) has ended up in my mini gallery wall in the bedroom. For all my talk of gallery walls going out of fashion, I still do like this one and I like the recent addition which pulls in the yellows and golds of the room. And below it? A drinks coaster from Boadas, a bar we went to in Barcelona – see? framed memories always work well for cheap art…

For an affordable gallery wall solution check out my tips on framing postcards as art

The Secret Locked in the Roots of a Kingdom (the one with all the flowers) will go in my kitchen somewhere although I haven’t yet decided it’s exact location but the colours work so beautifully with the wallpaper-backed shelving in here that I’m sure I’ll find a spot for it.

Check out my tips on framing postcards as art to create an eye-catching gallery wall

While of course, I would prefer the gigantic ones that I saw at the gallery, for now, my two little framed pieces remind me of that wonderful visit and I feel like I have a little piece of her work in my home.

Have you ever framed postcards as art?


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