As much as I love beautiful scented candles from the shop, I’m not so thrilled about how much they cost or how quickly they are gone! So when I realised how easy and inexpensive it was to create my own, a new hobby was born. I’ve been making my own candles for quite some time now and I absolutely love coming up with new fragrance combinations for them.

How to Make Your Own Soy Wax Candles with Essential Oils Video

While I have shared how I have made soy wax candlesΒ here on the blog before (here and hereΒ – you can also see where I get my supplies), I’ve always thought a video inviting you right into my kitchen and sharing the process would be the easiest way for you to see just how easy it is so I’ve teamed up once again with Swiftcover to bring you my newest video in their #SwiftHomeHacks campaign.

For those of you unfamiliar with the campaign, Swiftcover have teamed up with a few different bloggers – Anna from Don’t Cramp My Style and Sarah Akwisombe are also in the tribe! – to show new homeowners that it doesn’t take a lot of money to create a lovely home. It just takes a bit of creativity and some simple DIYs. It was such a great match to my own ethos here on Swoon Worthy that I was eager to join up with them and make a series of videos that I’m now sharing with you!

How to Make Your Own Soy Wax Candles with Essential Oils Video 3

A few reasons I recommend soy wax as opposed to paraffin or other waxes:

  • It burns beautifully even and clean with little to no smoke at all. In a small votive like I use here, the wax melts on the top completely, avoiding that dreaded ‘ring’ around the top of unused candle wax – such a waste! These candles will burn all the way until they are completely gone so they are very economical.
  • Soy wax has a lovely creamy white colour. You can of course add coloured dyes to it to change it but I love how clean and soft the colour of the natural wax is – paraffin and beeswax are more yellow in colour.
  • Soy wax is non-toxic and using essential oils will keep it that way. You can get paraffin waxes that are inexpensive and fragrances to add to candles but be careful – they may be full of different chemicals which will burn, adding toxins to the air – not very nice!
  • It’s also easier in terms of clean up. I’ve used other waxes in the past and trying to clean out your bowls and pans of wax is nearly impossible and it’s just so messy. Soy wax rinses away with a bit of soap and water – it’s super easy to clean up!
  • The only drawback to using soy wax is that it doesn’t carry the fragrance quite as well as other waxes which means you do need to put more essential oils than you may with other waxes to really get a nice smell from it. So just bear that in mind – if you don’t have a nice scented candle at the end of it, you may not be using enough. Increase the quantities of your essential oils to suit the size of your container.

Hope you enjoy the video and do please check out Swiftcover for all the different #SwiftHomeHacks!

How to Make Your Own Soy Wax Candles with Essential Oils Video 2

You can check out my previous #SwiftHomeHackΒ here!

Have you made your own candles yet? If so, what’s your favourite fragrance combo?

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Disclaimer: I’m collaborating with Swiftcover on their #SwiftHomeHacks campaign to bring you these fabulous DIY videos. As always, I only work with companies I really like and think you will too! Thanks for supporting the businesses that support Swoon Worthy!




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