I realised that I hadn’t done one of these posts in ages so I thought it was time for a catch up! So as you may (or may not) know, I write about interiors for a few different places now – hello freelancing! So each month, if you fancied a little tour around the interwebs with me as your host, you can have a read of what I’ve been talking about throughout the month – if you fancy clicking through, please feel free! If you’d rather not, that’s okay too – there’s no obligation of course.

I will say, doing the freelance thing full time has been pretty great. I’m still getting up relatively early (although no 6am starts like I used to have followed by an hour commute) and I can enjoy a leisurely coffee whilst going through emails first thing – something I never had time to do before. Knock on wood, so far so good! Working from home definitely has it’s perks.

Oh and I also wanted to say that my birthday celebratories were really lovely – thank you for all the well wishes!! Wayne baked me this fabulous 2 tiered naked chocolate sponge cake covered in berries with amaretto butter cream and it was so incredible (considering especially that he doesn’t really bake) that I really just wanted to share it with you.

Naked Birthday Cake

How good is that?! It tasted divine as well, I was in a sugar coma for 3 days after that. I tell ya, he’s a good’n that boy.

Anyway, enough rambling – let’s get started, shall we?

Winding back to December, I shared my mixed metallic Christmas tree on Cable & Cotton’s blog using their beautiful string lights and on FAD’s blog, I talked about how to get a glam look at Christmas time – so maybe something to pin for next year when Christmas comes around again! ;)


At the start of January, on AO Life, I was talking about my 12 steps to give your home a winter refresh – it’s normal for us all to take down our Christmas decorations and feel like the house looks rather bland (and our wallets empty) but I have found a few ways to spice things up without having to spend a lot of money.

winter home refresh

I also had a look at Pantone’s Colour of the Year – Marsala – and considered different ways of using this (rather murky if I’m honest) colour around the home. Yes, there are ways to make it work if you do love it and I actually found myself warming to it after a while!

living room pouf marsala

Now I clearly have home offices on the brain so I also talked about How to Create an Organised Home OfficeΒ and ways I’m planning to keep organised once our remodel is complete…

Planners and Diaries

…and as I shared with you recently, I created some really cute DIY Magazine Files using Ikea’s Flyt files.

DIY Magazine Files

Over onΒ Yale’s blog, I dreamt up what my dream hallway would look like! Yes, ours looks like a dog’s dinner but that doesn’t mean I can’t start making plans for the future when we finally tackle it, right?

welcoming entrance

On The Lighting Expert, I talked about a trend to watch in 2015 – The Jungle Trend. You know I’m all over that one. I even put together a little buying guide so you can get the look yourself if you want to get a little erm…wild. *cough*

Jungle Interiors

And finally, I was honoured to beΒ named one of Kenn Gray Home’s Top 20 Interior Design Blogs for 2014 – so chuffed and surprised about that and I was in great company with some amazing bloggers. Go and have a look at all of their picks and discover some wonderful blogs at the same time.

So that’s all from me for this week! I got an ah.may.zing light fixture for my bedroom which hopefully, we’ll be able to install this weekend so I can share that with you on Monday! So excited!!

Happy Weekend all! What do you have planned? Do tell…

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