I decided to take inspiration from Michael of Inspired by Charm and share some of my other writing around the internet with you today. As you probably know, I’ve recently gone part time at my job, and so I’m now trying to come up with a new schedule for Swoon Worthy that works and while there have been plenty of times I wanted to share with you what I was doing elsewhere on the web, I couldn’t really figure out the best way to do it. So I figured once a month or so, I’ll just collect them all in one place and share them on a Friday without bombarding you with posts all the time.

If you don’t fancy reading, that’s absolutely fine! There’s no pressure of course! But if you fancy having a bit of a wander around the interwebs with me as your host, then read on…

It’ll come as no surprise that I’ve been eyeing up gold and brass accessories and I talked about just why I think it’s finally catching on as a trend here in the UK in my article about 15 Ways to Get the Midas TouchΒ over on AO at Home.

I also recently got to visit my blogging buddy Jude at 1910 House to Home and we did a photoshoot of her gorgeous kitchen and rather glam utility room for AO at Home. How amazing is that wallpaper?! Jude and Oly were so lovely and let us drink all their tea and eat their cake and fuss over their gorgeous kitty, Humph. Isn’t it nice when you find that the people you meet on line are just as cool in person too?

I also went a little crazy for the classic combination of Black and White over on Oak Furnitureland’s blog this week with an article about how to use monochrome stripes in your home.

Oh and I also talked about the 5 Items in Your Home Worth Investing In. So many times when you are trying to ‘fill’ a home, you wonder about what to splurge on and what to save on. Well here are the things where I think spending a little bit more is worth it.

In other news… I was also quoted in an issue of the most widely read printed magazine in the UK – the Metro. It was quite cool seeing my name in an article about using black in your home – Β even if they did spell it wrong ;)

So… what do you think of this new series? Does it work for you? I’d love to hear what you think!

Oh and don’t forget, there’s still time to vote for my little splodge on the interwebs in Amara’s Interior Blog Awards 2014! Thank you to everyone who’s already voted, it truly does mean so much to me!

Have a great weekend all! I have loads to share with you coming up including the dressing room reveal, how I finally sorted that big blank wall in my living room and my new dining table that’s looking rather pretty! So stay tuned…

Don’t miss a thing!

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