I couldn’t be more excited to share with you that my little humble abode here in the UK is being featured today at Mega Bloggers John and Sherry’s Young House Love.

Now let me tell you a little story… Young House Love was one of the very first home/DIY blogs that I discovered nearly 6 years ago now (that is a LONG time in Blogland, let me tell you).  Before discovering them, I had absolutely no idea that there were people out there just like me who weren’t professionals but who loved interiors and DIY and actually talked about it online.  I thought those kinds of blogs were just the reserve of those with professional qualifications.  When I first discovered it, I read through their entire archive over a single weekend.

When I saw what they’d accomplished on their home (it was their first – they are on their 3rd property now!), I couldn’t believe it.  Everything was done by their own two hands, everything on a budget and most importantly, everything was so stylish and lovely.

It actually inspired me to start Swoon Worthy back in 2010 (I actually wrote about it as my 4th post ever). I wanted to document the changes we were making too.  I wanted to talk about what was inspiring me too.  I wanted to talk about the trials and tribulations of living in a house where there is always work going on too.  I wanted to share the successes and satisfaction of doing things with your own two hands and of getting a stylish home on a modest budget too .  I wanted to do this here blogging thing too.  And seeing that they were doing it, I decided that I could too.

So if it weren’t for them, I might never have logged on to Blogger nearly 4 years ago and created this here little spot on the internet.  And I wouldn’t have had the amazing ride and life-changing journey that it’s been since that point.

When they contacted me about featuring my home in their ‘House Crashing‘ series, it was like things had come full circle.  And what a lovely little circle it is.

Go and check out the feature because I’m still a little in shock :)  And plus, go check out their blog because they are just a really nice couple with a cute kid (another on the way!) and a little dog and even though they are these super huge mega bloggers with a published book and TV appearances and about a million fans, they are really down to earth and kind.

And if you’ve come here from John & Sherry’s, let me give you a very warm welcome.  Go and chill on the sofa and I’ll make a cuppa tea (or something stronger if you fancy it, bar cart is stocked, baby!).  Let me assure that the journey is not over yet – we have so very much more to do!  In fact, you can see all our plans for the year here.

I’d love for you to stick around and see how it all pans out ;)

For those who have been around for a while – GROUP HUG AND SMOOCHES!  You guys are awesome and I love you.

Cuz that’s how we roll here on Swoon Worthy.  WE’RE ALL ABOUT THE LOVE.

Don’t miss a thing!

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