A few months ago, before we’d even moved into our home, I was contacted by Made.com to see if I wanted to take part in a little psychological experiment. No, they weren’t going mess with me Darren Brown-style but they did want me to pull a home office space together and let a psychologist go to town on it to see what my desk space said about me. Now, I love stuff like this so I was totally into it. I chose a few items from their website – a desk along with some lovely accessories and created a home office space that I would love.

home office desk in white pink and gold

The items arrived after we’d moved in but of course, my office is not anywhere near a lovely finished space yet. So I moved a few bits around and created my fantasy home office to share instead – filled with items I loved that I felt reflected me and my style well. Once I styled and shot my home office space, I sent it off to Made who then sent it to a senior psychologist to see what my desk said about me. I’ll share what she said in just a bit but let’s talk through the design first.

This post may contain some affiliate links. You will never pay more when clicking on these links but I may earn a small commission as a thank you from the brand for the referral.Β 

What I included in my home office

home office design in white pink and gold

I started with Made’s Vernay console desk in white. It’s a lovely piece and narrow enough to fit even in the smallest of spaces but wide enough to allow for a laptop, lamp and plenty of accessories. I’m not one for practical office chairs (I know, I know!!) so I paired it with one of my dining room chairs – a little leopard print is always a favourite around here!

home office desk in white pink and gold

I also chose the white Vera Metal Table Lamp from Made. It is so striking in its simplicity and I thought it married well with the clean lines of the desk. It’s loveliest feature is that the inside of the shade is lined in gold so when the light is on, it reflects beautifully around the space. I also chose the Normos Metal Stationary set which comes with a nice long gold tray (perfect for housing my Kate Spade stapler and tape dispenser) and a gold pencil pot.

Finishing off this side of the desk are a gold metal basket with my planner, a pink and gold coaster and my favourite pink mug.

home office design in white pink and gold

On the opposite side, a candle from Chase & Wonder, notebooks from The Curious Department and a business card holder from Kate Spade alongside the gorgeous gold Beaumont tapered vase from Made filled with faux flowers.

candle notebooks and card holder in black white and gold

Of course, the desk wasn’t the only thing to be dressed. As the desk is small, I decided to utilise the little shelf on my tiny (non-working) fireplace in the room. It’s probably one of my favourite original features in this house and as I love greenery in my home, I thought I’d dressed it up with a potted plant, a stone bust I’ve had for years and Made’s gorgeous green marble and gold topped Badden storage pots. They are perfect for things like staples, paperclips or anything else you want to keep handy but not necessarily on display.

small corner Victorian fireplace styling

I also included my Amara award, a little brass elephant and plenty of greenery including a hanging planter with trailing ivy.

Victorian fireplace styling

On the floor is my sheepskin rug (cosy on top of that horrible vinyl flooring! Someday we’ll change that!), a wire magazine holder and on the other side, a large faux palm in a brass pot. And finally, above the desk is a framed print from Made called Golden PerspectiveΒ and a wall calendar from Desenio.

So what did the psychologist say about my desk?! (drumroll please)

Anna Sagredou, Senior Psychologist, comments: β€œThe use of gold itemsΒ can all be related to a generous, extroverted person with a positiveΒ attitude. Kimberly’s desk comprises items designed with contrastingΒ textures, such as the simple straight lines of the desk alongside sheepskinΒ rug and leopard chair cover, which are suggestive of a quirky personalityΒ and someone not afraid to make bold decisions. The way in whichΒ Kimberly’s desk is arranged shows a person with a playful personality, butΒ who enjoys luxury.”

I would have to say that Dr Sagredou has got me figured out pretty well!! Aside from saying I was an extrovert (while I’m definitely not shy, I’m a total introvert in real life), I’ve certainly been called ‘quirky’ before (a nicer way of saying weird I reckon), I do try to keep positive in every aspect of my life and I definitely enjoy a touch of luxury – shame my bank balance doesn’t always agree! #champagnetastescavabudget

I so enjoyed this little look at the psyche behind my interiors and if you did too, then I have a treat for you! There are three other amazing bloggers taking part in this experiment and everyone’s desks are so incredibly different. Check out the other bloggers’ desks and what their desks said about them here:

“The colour green protrudes confidence and intelligence” Nicola Broughton – The Girl with the Green Sofa

“…this approach is indicative of a person who is very focused and efficient” Ruth Matthews – Design Soda

Β “Energetic and passionate in their day-to-day life” Jess Hurrell – Gold is a Neutral

Shop the Post

home office design in white pink green and gold

Love the look of my fantasy office space? You can shop it here…

I hope you enjoyed this fun post! Now it’s your turn: What do you think a psychologist would say about YOUR desk space? The comment box awaits!


Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post but was provided items free from Made.com to take part. As always, all words, images and opinions are my own and I only ever work with brands I love and think you’ll like too! Thanks for supporting the companies that support Swoon Worthy. Please note, this post contains affiliate links.

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