So guys, my week has been flipped upside down. Last Wednesday we finally got a move date from our solicitor of THIS FRIDAY (23rd February) which meant we literally have less than a week and a half to prepare to move. While we had done plenty in terms of prep, we hadn’t begun to pack yet simply because the whole process of buying and selling in this country is incredibly delicate so we didn’t want to start until we knew for sure the sale was going through. Happily, we are in a short chain – essentially, there are only 3 properties meaning that there’s someone buying our house (first time buyers), we are buying another house and the people we were buying from are buying an empty house of their own and everyone has to agree to exchange contracts and move on the same day. Yes, it’s crazy how it all works and I’ll never understand it because if anyone pulls out, the whole chain falls apart. Thank goodness, we’ve been able to retain our chain with no issues and everything is going through! Yay!

Victorian House door

This means I can FINALLY share the house we are buying – at least the outside for now! The pictures I haveΒ at the moment show the previous owner’s things in situ so I probably won’t share that out of respect for their privacy but it’s a start, right?

Victorian Double Fronted House in Red Brick with Blue door

So that’s our new beauty! It’s a double-fronted Victorian property built around 1889. It’s nearly double the width of our current (previous? I don’t know how to refer to it now!) house but it’s not quite as deep if that makes sense. Basically, the layout is wonderful – for some reason, I always wanted a house where you walk in and could go either left or right into a room and that’s what we have here.

Now, we have BIG plans for the layout downstairs which I will share with you as soon as I can and hopefully, those changes will begin as soon as we move in so that’s kind of exciting. I promise there will be much much more to come.

Until then, I will be on a little break as we get ourselves packed up and moved. I expect the break won’t be too long – I’ll be dying to share, believe me – but you’ll have to forgive my absence for at least a little while. I have no doubt at all I’ll be sharing at least some of the journey on my Instagram Stories so if you aren’t following me on there, please do so you can see some behind-the-scenes!

Home Quote

I’ve always loved this quote so much and it seems appropriate to share it here today!

I just want to say a huge thank you for continuing with me on my little journey. Swoon Worthy started because we moved into a house we loved and wanted to catalogue the process of turning it into a home and now, we get to share the adventure all over again. Of course, there are so many more now following me on this adventure and I couldn’t be more grateful for all the love and support from all of you who visit my blog.

Thank you thank you and thank you! And see you on the flip side! ACK! SO EXCITING OMG.


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