I’m a sucker for lovely office supplies, I must admit. When I first decided to create a home office out of our second bedroom, the very first thing I purchased for it was an acrylic and gold stapler and matching tape dispenser from Kate Spade. I couldn’t wait to have some pretty office supplies to glam up my working area and since then, I’ve added bits here and there which aren’t just practical but are also rather pretty to have out.

eclectic boho glam office space with pink black and gold

I suppose after years of working in a bland office cubical, I was ready to add some personality to my desk. Inspired by the pretty office spaces I was seeing on Pinterest and on blogs, I wanted lovely items to leave out and create my own space. Even just a couple of years ago, gold office supplies were a little out of the ordinary and so trying to find items for my desk was more challenging but these days, you can get lovely bits and pieces at pretty good prices just about anywhere.

I’ve decided to round up a few of my favourites below just in case you are looking at creating a pretty desk area for your own home office space or even your little cubicle at work. (Unless, of course, your things just get knickedΒ like they used to do in my old workplaces… then you might not want to have such a pretty stapler hanging around…)

*This post contains affiliate links which are indicated by an asteriskΒ (*). You don’t pay anymore from clicking on that link but I might earn a few pennies to buy more pretty office supplies. Win-win!Β 

Gold glam office supplies moodboard buying guide edit

1* / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6* / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10* / 11* / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15* / 16 / 17 / 18* / 19 / 20

I’m particularly enamoured by the 2018 planner from Rifle Paper Co.Β (#3) which I’ve just ordered. I bought the 2017 one a year and a half ago now (they start in August and run to the following December which I actually strangely like) and it’s just a great weekly planner that I can refer to so I know what’s happening in my life. Proper old school, right? I do have a digital calendar as well but I like using both as that’s just what works well for me.Β I also have the wall calendar from Desenio (#2) which I included here although you might want to wait until the 2018 ones come out if you’re not keen on only using it for 5 months! They are rather pretty, however, in their gold frames and rather inexpensive as well.

I also have one of those lovely gold wire magazine racksΒ (#13) which has filled up quickly so I’m looking to purchase another soon. As I mentioned, I already have the gold and acrylic stapler* (#10) as well as the matching tape dispenser* from Kate Spade. I did find these cheaper look-a-likes on Amazon from Draymond Story*, however, if you wanted to save a few quid for a similar look.

A few other favourites are the Brass Z-lamp from Mon Pote on TrovaΒ (#16) which, at just Β£35 is a total bargain and the Hello Gorgeous mug from H&M Home, just Β£6.99. I have a few of H&M’s big mugs and I use them all the time because they are just so pretty and hold so much coffee, a necessary evil in any line of work.

glam office supplies in pink black and gold

As a side note, I’ve resisted the urge to use #girlboss in my post anywhere as well. Does anyone else have an issue with that expression? I just feel like it’s a bit patronising and infantile. I’m a #WOMANboss thanks very much – ha! Maybe I’m just getting ornery in my old age but it has never sat right with me as I don’t consider myself a girl at all. But well, I suppose if pretty gold office supplies make me feel #empowered then well, to each their own!

I’m planning a bit of a makeover for my office come September so stay tuned for that. As much as I loved it when it was completed, I’m feeling a little ‘over’ the bold pink colour scheme so it’s time to calm it down a little. Well, I say calmΒ – do I ever do calm?! – but perhaps just a bit toned down. I’ll share more on that one soon! In the meantime, any favourites of the items I’ve chosen? How do you style your own desk?

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