I am so excited today to do a little follow up on my blog post How to use Pinterest to Define Your Personal Style. In it, I shared my tips on really boiling down your ultimate style descriptor to three single words. It was only once I was able to do this myself that my style came into absolute clear focus and I no longer made the mistakes I had made so many times before in my decor.

How to Use Pinterest to Define Your Style Case Studies

That moniker, ‘Eclectic Boho Glam’ is what defines me, my blog and my style. It’s three words that encapsulate everything that I love to surround myself with. It doesn’t mean I’m not allowedΒ to like other styles (on the contrary, I love loads of different styles!) or that I can’t on occasion lust after something outside of it – but for the most part, if I see something I’m considering for my home, I ask myself if it fits into my three words. If it does, I know it’ll be easy to make it work with my existing style. If it doesn’t, I’ve learned from experience that it’s better to admire it from afar rather than try to shoehorn it in. I always know when something will work and when it won’t and this gives me a cohesive look throughout my home.

Using Pinterest to Define Your Style Case Studies 1

And the weird thing is, this extends not just to decor but to my fashion choices as well. I find myself drawn to certain styles and they will almost ALWAYS fit into ‘eclectic boho glam’ style. It’s a strange discovery but I realised it not long after that pretty much everything either has a bit of a boho edge or a very glam one and I often mix up styles, like pairing biker boots with a floaty top or throwing a leather jacket over a floral dress – that kind of thing. And I’ve heard from others they’ve had much the same discovery once they did the exercise.

So today what I wanted to share with you is that you don’t have to just take my word for it. I’m going to share three bloggers who did exactly the same exercise and yet came up with their own totally unique defining three words.

Maria from Dinki Dots: “Bright Modern Playful”

Marias style Bright Modern Playful

Maria is a talented crafter as well as a good friend of mine and one of the reasons I even came up with the exercise in the first place. She knew what she liked but often found herself buying things because they looked great in someone else’s home. She’d end up returning items too often because they didn’t actually fit well into her home and she was left confused by what she actually wanted to live with, rather than those things she just admired. We ended up looking at her Pinterest board together and finding the patterns but when she came up with her final three words – bright, modern, playful – everything fell into place.

In Maria’s own words: “I feel like those are the words for ME in general. Not just interiors… but for the craft things I like to make, and the sort of clothes I want to wear… as that’s what I like! It’s strange, as soon as we arrived on those three words, I knew we’d cracked it – they were right! Β They define ME! Β In fact, they seem so obvious, I don’t know how I didn’t already know this! Β I now feel so much more focused when it comes to buying things for the home, clothes to wear, the craft things I will make. Β Life is too short to surround ourselves with things which don’t bring us joy, right?”

Check out Maria’s blog post here!

Mila from Jest Cafe: “Mid-Century Vintage Boho”

Milas style Mid-Century Vintage Boho

LA bloggerΒ Mila had decorated and redecorated her home but felt her tastes needed to be pinned down in order to make better decisions for her home. The question that helped her the most was asking herself before she pinned something whether she could actually live in that space – and those were the only ones she allowed on the board. In doing so, she was able to find the patterns of what she loved –Β bold, vibrant, mid-century, family friendly, bright, vintage, cheerful, eclectic, edgy, and bohemian. From there, her style, ‘Mid-Century Vintage Boho’ came into clear focus. I love Mila’s choices myself!

In Mila’s own words: “This year, every time I take a design decision, I will ask myself if that decision falls in the Mid-Century Vintage Boho style vibe….Just thinking about it in this way has decluttered my brain and given me new focus!”

Check out Mila’s blog post here!

Alex from The Interior DIYer: “Dark Romantic Luxe”

Alexs style - Dark Romantic Luxe

I’ve known AlexΒ for years and having been inside her fabulous home in Dublin, I always thought her style was already quite well defined. But after doing the exercise, she felt everything just made a lot more sense and came into focus, proving that even if you feel pretty confident knowing what you like, this can still help! For Alex, it was a total game-changer.

In Alex’s own words: “Setting myself a guideline of three words has already helped when looking at pieces for our home. I look at it and think, do my three words apply to this? In the past, if I bought something that was wildly outside of what I usually like, more times than not I would return it a couple days later. This way I can constructively and rationally think about buying a piece. It’s a simple exercise, but for a person like me who likes themes and sticking to them, it has helped immensely.”

Check out Alex’s blog post here!

So a huge thanks to Maria, Mila and Alex for letting me share their stories! I can’t tell you how happy it makes me knowing that I’ve helped someone to figure out the style that makes them utterly unique.

If you are reading this and you haven’t yet done the exercise, what are you waiting for? Find out what your three unique words are that define your style here!Β And if you have and you found out your three words after doing the exercise, I’d love to hear from you!Β 

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