YOU GUYS. Oh my god, it’s been a totally crazy month. In a good way, mind you, but crazy nonetheless. So first, I’ll apologise for my lack of posts this past week as things have been a little busier than normal and neglecting my blog is the very last thing I like to do but well, that’s just the way things go. I reckon March has been one of the busiest and craziest months I’ve had for quite some time.

Something for the Weekend March 2017

The month started off with a bang, being included in Cosmopolitan’s article on 3 Things to Know Before Buying Your First Piece of FurnitureΒ and I got to wax lyrical about my love of eBay.

It also started with my first trip to London to join Sarah Akwisombe and a whole mess of bloggers old and new at West Elm in London for a meet-up. It was so nice to just chat and hang out with people I don’t nearly get to see often enough! You can check out Sarah’s video of the event here.

Sarah Akwisombe and Kimbery Swoon Worthy

Sarah Akwisombe andΒ I (how good is Sarah’s skin?! OMG Seriously.)

The following weekend, I was back in London (trip #2) for my friend’s 40th birthday party in which we all went Karting! It was something I’d never done before but OH MY GOD SO MUCH FUN. I really loved it and didn’t embarrass myself too much, being the fastest girl there! Ha! How professional do I look in my gear?


A post shared by Wayne Coombes (@2nilup) on

The same week, I was absolutely floored to have been included in The Daily Mail’s article on The Hottest Home Design Bloggers and was absolutely over the moon they included me at #1!! OMG. Okay, so let’s just say first off that I’m not a huge fan of the Daily Mail but this inclusion was a pretty amazing accolade so I’ll take it! ;)

What happened next? Well, as they’d linked to my Instagram, I gained a ridiculous amount of new followers on there and finally hit my goal of 10,000 Instagram followers! Eeek!

10k followers on Instagram swoonworthyblog

Then this past week, I went to BBC Studios in Media City, Salford Quays to record a segment for the Radio4 Show, You and Yours! I was on air along with the lovely Rohini from The Beat That My Heart Skipped discussingΒ the trend for interior design, particularly in social media.

BBC Radio4 Presenter Melanie Abbott and I at the studio!

BBC Radio4 Presenter Melanie Abbott and I at the studio!

You can listen to our little segment here – it was so much fun! Just click the little box on the player that says ‘Home Decor’ to listen! (Also, I’m not sure if this is available worldwide so apologies to those who aren’t able to listen from outside the UK!)

BBC Radio 4 You and Yours Home decor bloggers

And finally, yesterday I travelled down to Kensington Olympia in London (Trip #3!) to present at the Ideal Home Show in London. Over 7 hours of travel including 6 different trains for the round trip was a bit insane if I’m honest but it was such good fun. I had quite a few people come up to me after the sessions to chat and it was just so nice that people enjoyed it! I was utterly exhausted after that but I’ll be doing it again next week on Thursday at 5pm and 7pm so it’d be great if you are planning a visit!

One more exciting thing to mention! I’ll also be featured in the upcoming issue of Hello! Magazine’s sister publication called Hello Fashion. They’ve rounded up a list of their favourite bloggers across all genres and they’ve chosen Swoon Worthy as their interior blog choice! Eeek! So insane! That’s out on Tuesday so do pick up a copy!

Hello Magazine feature blog chart

So what else? A few shout outs to the following who’ve mentioned my blog…


As per usual, I’ve been chatting about interiors for various websites over the past month and so I’m rounding them up to make it easy for you to have a look when you get some time this weekend and fancy a bit of light reading! Of course, I wouldn’t expect anyone to read ALL of these but if something catches your eye, then I’d love for you to have a little look. Each link opens in a new window so you can just click the ones you like the look of and go back to it later!


Something for the Weekend Trends

How to Refresh Your Home for Spring (My Two Designers)

Pantone’s COTY Greenery and Other Alternatives You’ll Love (Tile Mountain)

Incorporating Pastels for Spring (Oak Furnitureland US)


Something for the Weekend Inspiration

20 Easy DIYs for Your Bedroom (Oak Furnitureland)

Patterned Floor Tiles To Turn Heads (Tile Mountain)

Green With Envy: Irish Tile Style for St Patrick’s Day (Tile Mountain)

Mesmerising Mosaics for March (Tile Mountain)


Something for the Weekend Advice

Extra Touches for a Newly Redecorated Room (Avant Homes)

How to Creatively Style Your Bookshelves (Oak Furnitureland)

How to Mix Patterns with Floral Fabrics (Oak Furnitureland)


Whew! So that’s my roundup for the month of March! It was quite a whirlwind between Cosmo, The Dail Mail, BBC Radio, The Ideal Home Show and Hello! Magazine and hitting a goal on Instagram I’ve had for such a long time. I can’t remember another month where I’ve had so many big mentions in such a short period of time and honestly, I think I’m in a bit of shock!

How has your month been? Ever been karting before? Reach any new goals? Share your good news with me below, I’d love to hear from you!

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