What a mixed bag June has been, eh? Not just in terms of the weather (can you tell how Anglicised I am when I talk about the weather so much?) –Β sunny and hot one week and then raining and a bit on the chilly side the next – but also in terms of the general atmosphere of the country. If discussions about the EU were heated before the referendum, the result has only poured fuel on that fire. The country is divided, there’s been an explosion of xenophobia, the government is in free fall. It’s a very strange time to live in the UK and for someone who’s lived here for close to 15 years (as a ‘foreigner’), it hurts me deeply. It has been hard to escape the news even if I wanted to and regardless, I’m strangely glued to it at all times, hoping for some sign that we will pull ourselves out of this mess, that things will, in the end, be okay. I know this isn’t the place to talk about politics but it would be like ignoring the proverbial elephant in the room. It’s huge and it’s there and it’s hard not to notice it.

But it’s not all been bad news, there have been some great things happening too. Our trip to Menorca was fab and the break has give me new enthusiasm to just get things DONE around here.


So despite all the craziness of June and the uncertainty, we’re carrying on here at Swoon Worthy HQ with the projects we have planned because what else can we really do? I think in situations like this, you just have to carry on, take joy from the little things, continue engaging in the things that make you happy. And well, this is what makes me happy.

black pergola and decking

So the back patio and pergola have been painted, I got a new little furniture set (wait til you hear where I got it!) and I’m working on dressing the space now with potted plants and hanging planters and a new BBQ and lots and lots of fairy lights. Of course, the rain the last few days has scuppered my plans so I can’t quite finish things off until it stops. We also have someone scheduleΒ to install the kitchen worktops towards the end of July and I ordered in the most beautiful sink and tap EVER IN THE HISTORY OF EVER.

gold sinks and tap

I promise once the kitchen ‘mini-remodel’ is underway, I’ll be sharing all my sources and all the details and the worktop I chose and all that good stuff. You know me, I can’t help but overshare. So yeah, that’ll happen, stay tuned.

In the meantime, as I always do on these posts, I wanted to thank the sites that featured me over the last month so a huge thanks to these guys for the support:

i-on magazine Swoon Worthy mention

I had a little mention in an article authored by the lovely Emily at The Pink House (check out her blog, her home is AHMAZING) in Scotland’s largest lifestyle magazine i-on all about getting a Pinterest-worthy bar cart. If you click on that link, you can check that out.

I was also included in Pearson Ferrier’s 5 Best Interior Design Bloggers on the Net which was a lovely accolade and I’m in great company with other UK bloggers so please do have a look there too.

I also created a fun DIY this past month for AO Life where I created a faux flower photo backdrop (say that 5 times fast) which is perfect for summer parties and weddings – it was a lot of fun and super easy too.

DIY Summer floral photo backdrop

As per usual, I’ve been chatting about interiors for various websites over the past month or so and so I’m rounding them up once again in list format to make it easier for you to have a look when you get some time this weekend and fancy a bit of light reading! Of course, I wouldn’t expect anyone to read ALL of these but if something catches your eye, then I’d love for you to have a little look. Each link opens in a new window so you can just click the ones you like the look of and go back to it later!

graphic-element-two with space top and bottom


Something for the Weekend Inspiration

Simple Storage Solutions for the Kitchen (Ocean Finance Four Walls)

Real Homes: Man Caves US-Style (AO Life)

graphic-element-two with space top and bottom


Something for the Weekend Advice

How to Create a Perfectly Styled Bar Cart (My Two Designers)

How to Create the Perfect “Shelfie” (Avant Homes)

Cheap Updates That Add Instant Value to Your Home (Oak Furnitureland)

How to Create the Perfect Man Cave (AO Life)

How to Update a Room in Less Than 10 Minutes (Oak Furnitureland)

graphic-element-two with space top and bottom


Something for the Weekend DIY

Real Homes: Creating a DIY Man Cave in the Cellar (AO Life)

DIY Faux Flower Photo BackdropΒ (AO Life)

The Best Home Improvements for Any Budget (Oak Furnitureland)

How to Choose Patterned Wall Tiles for Your Room (Tile Mountain)

Cleaning Tips from Neat Freaks! (Oak Furnitureland)


So that’s my roundup for June! I hope wherever you are, you’ve had a positive and productive month and are concentrating on those things that make you happy. Any projects in the works this month? Do tell, you know I love hearing from you!

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