As a blogger, I’m very lucky to be invited to lots of different events but the truth is, I rarely go to them. I know that sounds crazy because what could be better than swanning around with your fellow blogger mates, enjoying free booze and being treated like VIPs?

OKA Flower arranging - pouring Prosecco

Well, don’t get me wrong, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that but the truth is, most of these events are held in London. And I’m in Manchester. And travelling back and forth to London is not only expensive, it’s also incredibly time consuming (it’s about 5 hours for a round trip including getting to and from the train station so an event that lasts 2 hours will basically be a full day for me) so I just don’t always have the time to partake in events. #sadtimes #firstworldproblems #irealiseimcomplainingaboutnothingandshouldshutmyprivilegedmouth #whyamiusinghashtagsonablog

OKA Flower arranging - canapes

However, every once in a while, I get an invitation that I just can’t say no to.

When OKA invited me and a few other bloggers down to London for their faux flower arranging class, a peek around their flagship Chelsea store as well as a trip to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, I just couldn’t refuse. It’s Spring, flowers are on my mind of course and it sounded like a fun day out. I cleared my diary for that day and headed down on the train.

OKA Chelsea flagship store faux blooms

We were warmly welcomed by OKA’s staff into their store which is enormous with two whole floors of incredibly beautiful furniture and accessories. With various room set ups everywhere, there really is something for everyone and I saw plenty of things that I wanted to take home with me.

OKA Chelsea store

Beautiful canapes and desserts and Prosecco with Hibiscus flowers were lovingly laid out for our arrival and we oooh’d and awww’d over the vast array of gorgeous fauxs they carry. Now you know I do love my fauxs but I fully admit, I’m pretty rubbish with arranging flowers so HilaryΒ shared her tips on getting a beautiful arrangement and then we were invited to try it for ourselves under her guidance.

OKA faux flower arranging class



I was actually rather pleased at how mine turned out – lots of faux hydrangea and peonies and a few ranunculus for good measure – all my favourite flowers in one beautiful bunch.

Faux flower arranging class at OKA Chelsea

Faux flower arranging class at OKA Chelsea

Faux flower arranging class at OKA Chelsea

After we admired the results of our newly found skills and had a little mooch around the beautiful store, we headed off to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.

RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2016

There was so many gorgeous flowers on display (these ones real of course), I was in awe at the skill and dedication of the exhibitors. As it was the first opening day of the show, it was very busy but I wanted to share just some of the shots of the show that I took. Click on any of the images for the pop up gallery and then click the arrows to see them all.

I walked away with plenty of inspiration for my own garden too. We are now making plans to start some work on our back patio which I’ll go into more detail a little later this month but seeing this got my brain into overdrive… So a little preview for you!


RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2016

All in all, it was a fantastic day of flowers and I wanted to thank OKA and my fellow bloggers for a wonderful day out. I got home around 11pm that day, feet aching, head a little cloudy from all the gorgeous Prosecco but thoroughly inspired.

If you are in London, do go check out OKA’s Oxford Store or if you are nearer to my own location in the North West, there’s a store in Knutsford which I’m definitely going to have to pay a visit. Of course, if you aren’t near one of their locations, their website has a wealth of gorgeous items too. Check out their faux flowers here.

Faux flower arranging with OKA

What do you think of my faux flower arrangement – not bad for a novice, eh? ;) Did you make it to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show this year? And if so, what inspired you for your own garden?

I was not compensated for this post nor was I under any obligation to share my visit on the blog. It was just a lovely trip and I wanted to share OKA with you.Β 

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