I have been looking forward to sharing this with you ever since I first laid eyes on my friend Bianca Hall’s living room. Her blog, French for Pineapple, is one of my favourite UK blogs and it just so happens that she is super cool in real life as well. In fact, by the time you are reading this, I will have already grabbed a train from Manchester to London to go see this space in real life because I’m currently spending a couple of days with her! Yay for blogging buddies! It just seemed appropriate to finally share her home with you today!

Bianca Hall living room

Anyway, on to the good stuff! She recently transformed her living and dining rooms. Like me, her living room was originally a gorgeous dark blue but she was ready to embrace a lighter colour again (Amen Sister!) and so doused all her walls in the stunning Farrow & Ball Pink GroundΒ – a pale pinky beige that can go from a soft blush pink to a warm nude tone depending upon the light.

I adore the gallery wall in simple black and white in the living room as well as that amazing Florence Broadhurst patterned sofa and the Serge Mouille-inspired light fixture. Brave and delicious choices here – of course I love it!

Please do pin from the original source here – I’d love for you to go visit her blog and let her know I sent you ;)

Bianca Hall Skull Print On Blush

Damian Hurst Skull Print and DIY Benches – check out the tutorial on Bianca’s blog here.

Adding some built in bookcases to the alcoves totally transformed this room and I absolutely love the glam brass lighting along with the mix of items picked up on her travels. Bianca is originally from New Zealand and grew up in Australia (so an ex-pat like myself who decided to make England her home) and her tastes range from hand-crafted ceramics to bold pieces of contemporary artwork to vintage religious statutes. Somehow, her eclectic curations always seem to work seamlessly together. Oh and she loves plants. You can understand why I love her taste so much, right?

Bianca Hall Shelf Styling

Her dining room also got the Pink Ground treatment along with a gorgeous brass light fixture. She swapped out her chairs to mismatched benches and used floating Ikea kitchen cabinets with a single piece of MDF on the top to create a sideboard, topped with a stunning piece of oversized art.

Bianca Hall dining room

Bianca Hall Dining Room Sideboard

You can see all the before and afters in her posts here: Β Living Room Reveal / Dining Room Reveal.

I promise there is plenty more to see there and well, everyone loves to see a good before and after right? So get on that one.

Bianca Hall Shelf Styling

What do you think of Bianca’s living and dining room? Is this eclectic boho glam at it’s best or WHAT?!


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All images copyright Bianca Hall and used with kind permission.

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