On Saturday, we headed out to Cheadle Village to take in their local Maker’s Market and Victorian Christmas Market and then to the pub for a nice cosy drink in front of the fire at The Ashlea. When I got home that afternoon, I started to feel ill and then proceeded to spend the rest of the weekend, huddled under a blanket feeling pretty rotten with some kind of virus. Still feeling a little rubbish today, I decided to put together a little list of the things I was really craving – the stuff thatΒ just helped me to feel cosy while the wind whipped outdoors, huddled under my self-made nest.

Even if you haven’t been struck with a winter bug, these are kind of my go-to things to make me feel a little better when the grey skies feel like they are overtaking everything or the stress of Christmas becomes a bit too much. Sometimes we just need to remember to take care, pamper and be kind to ourselves. This season has a tendency to get a bit overwhelming and while I didn’t get to anything I’d planned for my weekend (finishing the decoration of the dining room, the weekly cleaning schedule, getting a few things wrapped, buying the last lot of Christmas presents – ack!), I think it’s always important to take a little time out to recharge the batteries.

So here are a few things I think are always nice to treat ourselves to when winter just becomes that bit too much for any of us…

Something Cold and Something Hot

Kate Spade New York Thermal Mug and Tumbler

At all times this weekend, I had a mug of something hot in front of me (I went through quite a bit of Peppermint Tea) as well as a bottle of water to keep hydrated. I reckon my recovery would have been even quicker had I had these beautiful Kate Spade New York Thermal Mug and Tumbler set from Rachel George! Okay, perhaps not but oh my god SO PRETTY.

A Faux Fur Throw

faux fur throw

I have a gorgeous faux fur through I purchased at TK Maxx a few months ago and it never really left my body all weekend. Having something so gloriously soft against you just makes you feel that bit more comforted. This Luxurious Hand Made Faux Fur Throw and Cushion Gift Set* is just perfect in front of a cosy fire, no? I love the variation of colours here that really give it a luxurious look. Yum.

*denotes affiliate link

Cosy Pyjamas

cosy pyjamas

Of course this isn’t a fashion blog or anything but you can not beat a soft set of PJ’s when you are feeling a bit bleh. I actually own 3 onesies and I have a drawer full of cosy lounge wear that I simply can not part with. Even though this isn’t interior-related in any way, I had to include them on my list and this image from Online Stylist just captures why perfectly.


Meisha bengal cat on white fur throw - Swoon Worthy

I don’t know what it is, but if I have a purring kitty next to me when I’m not feeling myself, it helps me by like 1000%.


once upon a time

I am not adverse to spending hours in front of the TV watching whatever crap catches my eye when I’m not feeling my best. I’ve been watching ABC’s Once Upon a Time recently which basically takes all of Disney’s fairytales and weaves them into a bizarre tale of good vs evil and where every character you’ve ever known as a kid is transformed into real life scenerios. I’ll be honest, the CGI is pretty awful, most of the acting is questionable (with the exception of Robert Carlyle as Rumpelstiltskin who makes a delicious villian) and the writing isn’t all that – and YET. I can’t stop myself watching it. Also, the costumes are pretty freaking amazing. (I’m only on Season 3 at the moment so no spoilers please.) Anyone else watching this series guilt-free like I am?

Bubble Baths

kate moss tim walker vogue pink bubblebath

I know it’s a cliche but honestly, if someone wanted to run me a pink bubble bath, I would not say no. I can’t guarantee I’ll look as gorgeous as Kate Moss does in Tim Walker’s pictureΒ and there’s no way you’ll find me in heels when I’m sick, but hell, we can give it a go.

What do you do to make yourself feel better when you are sick?


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