The Amara Interior Blog Awards were on Wednesday and while I had so many well-wishers, alas, I didn’t win! However, I did have a rather grand time!

Katy from Apartment Apothocary and Me - John Nassari Photography

Katy from Apartment Apothocary and Me

The competition within the DIY & Craft category was, of course, fierce and while my lovely friend Katy from Apartment Apothocary received aΒ Highly CommendedΒ (2nd place), the winner was Teri of The Lovely Drawer, an incredibly talented illustrator and designer.

I am immensely proud to be a part of the blogging community and to be surrounded by so many creative and passionate people and being able to join in celebrating this creativity and talent is an incredible privilege.

Amara Interior Blog Awards theatre

I’m not entirely sure that my category was the perfect fit for me if I’m honest – I think the judges were really looking for a more ‘crafty’ blog, something that Swoon Worthy isn’t necessarily focused entirely on although we do an enormous amount of DIY in terms of house renovations, it’s not the same thing as ‘crafts’ (I find the terms ‘DIY’ and ‘crafts’ are often used synonymously but in my mind, they are two different things entirely). So, alas, I wasn’t really surprised if I’m perfectly honest! Ha!

So this is just a quick thank you to everyone who voted for me and who supported me and who essentially got me there (yes, I’m talking about you!!).

Amara Interior Blog Awards Ham Yard London

Perhaps next year I will look at joining a different category and one that I feel Swoon Worthy is better represented but until then, I am so happy and privileged to just be a part of it all. Thank you so much everyone for your on-going support, it really means the world to me.

And a huge congratulations to all the winners and to my fellow shortlisters – you are all stars.

All images:Β Β John Nassari Photography


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