It seems as soon as October hits, things notch up a gear in the prep for the holidays. I know it may seem odd to be planning for Christmas so far in advance but as an interior design blogger, people start looking for inspiration for their projects as soon as the cold weather hits and as a result, magazines, retailers and designers want that content for their own platforms. So as a result of this, I’ve been pretty busy this week.

Swoon Worthy: The Week That Was

I’ll be sharing the details of all of these with you soon but just as a little sneak preview, here’s my week that was!

On Tuesday, I created a Christmas Tablescape… This is a really exciting collaboration I’ll be sharing with you on the 9th November.

Christmas Tablescape Wayfair 1

On Thursday, as if I was going back and forth in a time machine, I styled up my table for Thanksgiving… I’ll be sharing this with you on the 2nd November.

Swoon Worthy - Thanksgiving Tablescape

And finally on Sunday, I created this DIY Christmas photo backdrop and then realised a photo backdrop with no one in front of it looks a little odd so I had to get in front of the camera for it to make sense – complete with Santa hat. Oh dear. That’ll be coming in early November as well!

Swoon Worthy promo diy photo backdrop

On the upside, it’s been a bit of a fun and varied week and for that, I’m excited about November and for the things I’ll be sharing with you soon.

On the downside,Β I haven’t been able to do a single thing in the dining room! And now, the closer we actually get to Christmas, the less inclined I am to start any big projects before the New Year simply because planning for Christmas, upcoming smaller projects and the chaos that redecorating brings is not entirely condusive to ripping apart a dining room with a few weeks to go!

So apologies that the project has been put on a bit of a temporary hold but I have made changes to my initial plan and I’ll be sharing some of my thoughts with you on that soon!

Have you been doing any prep work in the run up to Christmas? Do you work in print or media or are you a blogger who’s already doing Christmas related content? Or perhaps you are like a friend of mine who already has all her presents bought?? (Yes, she puts me to complete shame!) Or are you someone who doesn’t start Christmas until it’s ya know, actually CHRISTMAS? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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