I have an item inΒ my home that I’ve never spoken about here on Swoon Worthy and yet, I hold it so dear. The little wooden chest you see on the shelving in my office was given to me by my brother. As you may know, I am of Puerto Rican descent and this chest was purchased on that beautiful little island by my brother and given to me as a gift when he came to visit a few years ago.

Swoon Worthy - Brass Ikea office shelving

I rarely get to see my family being so far away. My brother lives in Seattle and the distance means we don’t get to see each other as often as I’d like to although I’m grateful for social media and for the technology that allows me to keep in touch with him. We “speak” every week so we’re able to keep in touch but having a physical reminder here of his stay is very different than sending funny emojis to each other when we chat online.

Within the chest is a little Puerto Rican flag. That gift to me is a reminder of my heritage, a reminder of my family and our roots and something that’s irreplaceable to me.

Swoon Worthy - Brass Ikea office shelving

While none of us like to think about losing the items we have, it’s important to recognise the value of the things we hold dear. These aren’t things that you could simply re-buy – or even if you could, they simply wouldn’t hold the same sentimental value we place in them. The precious objects we choose to surround ourselves with are more than their price tag when they are purchased – they become a part of who we are and those things we surround ourselves with tell the story of our lives.

Now you may recall that a few months ago, I had a film crew arrive in my home 2 days after returning on holiday and I can finally reveal what that was all about. In fact, the reason I’m chatting about precious items is because I’ve teamed up with Together Mutual InsuranceΒ to create 4 films, all around Making Spaces, which allow us to ask ourselves what we have in our homes that we hold of value – whether monetarily or sentimentally and of course, taking the steps to protect the things we hold precious.

Swoon Worthy - tropical wallpaper with olive velvet chesterfield

While it’s not necessarily a fun task to go through our homes and inventory the items we love, the message in the films is clear. We all have valuables in our home that hold extra meaning to us. How much more important is it to protect these things if the worst were to happen?

Each of the short films focus on valuables, but not necessarily the monetary kind. They speak ofΒ the value of heritage, the value of mixing the old with the new, the value of personal expression and the value of built to last – all through the eyes of the homeowners. All of these things are so important to me that joining with them in their campaign seemed a perfect match. Not only have they allowed you to take a new peek into my home but they’ve also shared the homes of two other lovely bloggers – Susie from Old Fashioned Susie and Jesse of Hecticophilia.

While this is not my first debut on video (you can see my recent forays into the world of You Tube here), it was the first time I was relinquishing all control to the experts and I can tell you, despite how lovely they were, it was highly nerve-racking! (And of course, like every other human on this planet, I am overly critical of seeing/hearing myself on film). I’m happy to say I am delighted with the films. They are warm, entertaining and beautifully edited and give a great glimpse of a side to bloggers you don’t always get to experience by reading along.

You can check out the first video in the series here:

You can watch the other videos (in which I also appear) here too: The Value of PersonalΒ ExpressionΒ (Jesse has the most amazing voice, you have to listen to her sing in this one if you love indie/folk music as much as I do)Β / The Value of Mixing Old and New / The Value of Built to Last

What do you have in your home that speaks to your sense of heritage? Are there things in your home that hold sentimental value to you? I’d love to hear what you think!


Follow Together Insurance on social media here: Β Facebook / Twitter / Instagram

Disclaimer: I teamed up with Together Mutual Insurance (@TogetherIns) to tell the story of my prized belongings. Make sure everything you own is safe from damage, theft or loss by reading their helpful guideΒ about insuring home furnishings and treasured possessions. WhileΒ I was paid for my participation in this campaign, I only collaborate with companies I really like and think you will too! As always, all words and opinions are my very own. Thanks for supporting the businesses that support Swoon Worthy.


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