So this blog post is basically covering two things today! The fact is, it’s my 5 year ‘blogiversary’ this month and I’ve never once done anything in particular to celebrate on any of the anniversaries of creating Swoon Worthy so I figured after 5 years, it was probably time to acknowledge the milestone!

But I can’t do a blog post without some pretty pictures, can I? So I thought I’d take the opportunity to share what the living room now looks like after swapping out the white one that was in here with the gold one that was in the dining room.

You can see the new look in the dining room here.

So first up, the pictures – but please please do read to the bottom of the post because I have something very important to tell you about!

Here’s what it’s looking like now…

Swoon Worthy - Gold Starburst Mirror Wallpaper Chest of Drawers Yellow loveseat

As soon as I put it in here, I knew I loved it.

Swoon Worthy - Gold Starburst Mirror

The white mirror was always so soft and subtle but this one sort of commands attention and well, I like my interiors to make a bit of a statement. It feels fresh and different which makes me happy and staves off my DADD (Decorator’s Attention Deficit Disorder) for a little while.

Swoon Worthy - Gold Starburst Mirror Wallpaper Chest of Drawers decorative logs in fireplaceI’ve been making little changes to this room over the last few months and I have to say I’m really liking it. It’s one of the only rooms now that I don’t sit in and come up with a list as long as my arm of things I would like to do to change it which is rare around here. The only thing I’d like to swap at some point is the chandelier but I’m not giving it stabby eyes like I was when I finally replacedΒ my kitchen lighting so it can stay for a little while longer until I find the perfect piece. Same goes for the wallpapered chest of drawers – I do want something a little more substantial in that corner eventually but for now, I’m happy with it.

Swoon Worthy - Gold Starburst Mirror Wallpaper Chest of Drawers Yellow loveseat

The nicest thing is that I didn’t actually spend a ridiculous amount of money to give it a fresh new look. Aside from a single roll of wallpaper and an Ikea curtain hack, I just shifted around my accessories. It’s so easy to refresh a room simply by shopping your own house.


So now that you’ve seen the result of the Great Mirror Swap Out, I thought I’d hand things over to you.

Swoon Worthy - Ask Me Anything

Yes, to celebrate 5 years of Swoon Worthy and after chatting into the ether that is the internet for all that time, I thought I’d ask YOU what you want to know about me. I want you to ASK ME ANYTHING.

And when I say anything? I mean EH-NEH-THIN-GAH. (yes that’s a quote from Anchorman so you have to say it like that in your head although I promise I won’t call you a smelly pirate hooker when I respond.)

So really, itΒ doesn’t matter if it’s frivolous or serious, profound or funny, just tell me what you want to know. So if you want to know how I ended up living in the UK or if I ever feel discouraged blogging or if I have a secret for how I tackle a decorating task or hell, what kind of conditioner I use, then hit me up.

And in a post later this month, I’ll respond to all your questions as best I can – possibly via video format!! Holy crapballs, I can’t even believe I’m going to do that but wouldn’t that be fun?

So… what you waiting for? Let me know what you think of the mirror swap and plus don’t forget to leave your questions in the comment box below! :D

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