So I had something totally different planned for my post today but we’ve had a rare sunny day here and the sunlight was streaming into the living room and it just looked so nice I figured I’d take some pics and share with you how the room is looking right now.

Swoon Worthy living room

You may recall the last time I shared the living room after our little big Spring Refresh, the hanging chair was still in here. It was all in preparation for the office which at that point hadn’t been completed and the few weeks that followed meant the room was in a bit of a chaos. There were bits and pieces meant for the office being stored in here and then once we finally got the office complete (you can see the reveal here), I decided to remove everything from the gallery wall in the dining room. The pieces of art that I didn’t know what to do with then took over in the living room piled up in stacks along the wall and yes, I will admit they stayed there for quite some time. Ahem.

Swoon Worthy living room

It was only last week I finally committed to finding those loose pieces a temporary home (they are in my upstairs hallway now in a more organised ‘stack’ and yes, they still need to be addressed but at least they are out of my eyeline now) and clearing the space. I feel like I finally reclaimed the living room again which has been in a bit of a state for what feels like months now. Yes, this is the reality of constant projects – it effects every room in your home and you feel like you are in a infiniteΒ state of flux. I needed my living room back though.

Swoon Worthy living room

My peonies have FINALLY started blooming though – from the influx of them on my Instagram feed it seems everyone else’s bloomed ages ago and mine were still in tight little buds waiting for a bit of sunshine (much like myself). The summer has been a bit rubbish over the last 6 weeks or so (sigh) which will account for how late they were this year but finally being able to clip their big fluffy heady blooms has been a total joy for me. Are we finally enteringΒ summer in Manchester?! God I hope so.

Swoon Worthy living room

As I said in my post on Monday, my leopard print cushions have come to live down here for now. I love to pile my sofa with cushions but I decided to scale it back a little for the summer. And I don’t care what anyone says – yes, leopard is totally a neutral and I think they look rather fab against that big wall of tropical blooms in my wallpaper.

Swoon Worthy living room

It was so nice to put my little vintage hoop chairs in here again. I adore the hanging chair but it did take up an awful lot of space (and this is not a big room so space is precious) and I just feel like the petite chairs work better in the bay window.

Swoon Worthy living room

My coffee table got a little zhushing as well as I had moved the big gold tray into my kitchen so for a while the coffee table just had a couple of weird bits on it like little dΓ©cor orphansΒ with no direction. So once I reclaimed the space, the vignette on the coffee table had to be addressed. I kept it fairly simple (for me) – a stack of books, the gold tray I got from H&M and a few little bits in a restrained colour palette (for me) – black, white, pink and gold.

Swoon Worthy living room

I feel like I can breathe in this room again and just relax. While I do love my ‘organised clutter’ – I mean, I’m a total maximalist and have never tried to imply anything else – it feels good to sometimes scale back a little in the summer. I feel like winter is the perfect time for piling on cushions and throws and THINGS and make a little nest but the warmer weather and longer days feel lazier and looser somehow. So I guess my home is putting on it’s simple summer dress and slinging on some sparkly sandals and calling it a day.

Swoon Worthy living room

Do you decorate your home different in the summer? What do you think of the little changes in here? I know it’s not a huge change or anything but for me, it feels more chilled. Now where’s my cocktail? You can make mine a double.


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