I know you guys don’t know everything that happens behind the scenes here at Swoon Worthy HQ but I hope by now you know that I’m really picky about who I work with in terms of sponsored posts. The last thing I want to do is just accept any old offer that comes my way and I actually reject far far moreΒ offers than I accept. It’s really important to me that the products and services I talk about here are ones that I genuinely really like and that I think you might like as well so that’s always at the forefront of any decision I make in terms of what I share with you here on my little ol’ blog.


So when Madeleine contacted me from Whimsy and Wilbur about a review, I did what I normally do first – before I even responded, I had a look at the website. First impressions and all that, right? And it took me like 0.034 seconds to think, ‘OH MY GOD YES.’ Seriously, it’s just PRETTY. Everything is so pretty. I got excited! (And when you have a look at the site, you’ll totally get why…)

So what is Whimsy &Β Wilbur you may be asking. It’s essentially a luxury gift service – do you have someone that has it all? Or someone who you find increasingly difficult to buy gifts for? Whimsy & Wilbur may be your answer.

I remember working for large companies in the past and I’ve had to send a few of those sort of ‘corporate hampers’ to customers at Christmas – ya know which ones I mean, right? The ones with the jars of duck fat and little bottles of jam that no one ever uses. A few packages of crackers you would probably never buy yourself. Maybe a bottle of wine you’ve never heard of. However, they are really popular. Why? Well, I think theΒ thrill of it is that there’s always a variety and so there’s excitement in receiving hampers because it’s like lots of little gifts in a single large package.

Well, Whimsy & Wilbur is sort of like this – but instead of little bottles of jam and unfamiliarΒ bottles of wine and stuff that you’ll never use, you are sending actual PRETTY ITEMS. Geometric vases, marble candle holders, gorgeous chocolates, lovely candles, little glass picture frames, cute notebooks and cards all in a beautifully packaged box… This is the stuff you’d actually really want to receive yourself.

Whimsy & Wilbur review - Swoon Worthy

So I got to choose two packages to review – one which I would keep and review here on the blog (Surprise Someone More gift boxΒ RRP Β£69.99) and one which I could send to someone I always find difficult to buy for – in this case, Wayne’s lovely mum (Surprise Someone gift boxΒ RRP Β£35).

Now Wayne’s mum is not difficult in the sense that she doesn’t like what I buy for her or is terribly picky or anything like that (although I’m sure this would be great for those types as well!) but I always want gifts to seem thoughtful because even after 6+ years of Wayne and I being together, you still want your MIL to think you are the best thing since sliced bread for her precious only son, right? Of course. So I always try to put a lot of thought into her gifts. Well, Whimsy & Wilbur take that pressure off you – you already know it’s going to be a lovely surprise for the recipient. Easy peasy.

When you open that lovely (and totally reusable!) black box you are greeted with some gorgeous bright pink packaging…

Whimsy & Wilbur review - Swoon Worthy

Unwrapping the parcel, you are greeted with a handwritten note card (which you can fill in at ordering stage to say whatever you wish) and a little card.

W&W Packaging

As I removed all that sexy black paper packaging, Meisha was as excited as I was. I think she thought this gift was for her. Obvs. Because of course everything around here is for her. (I hate to break it to you, Meesh, but that chocolate is MINE.)

Whimsy & Wilbur review - Swoon Worthy

I have to admit, even though I knew what was in the package, I was actually LOVING opening up all those little bits and pieces, digging into the parcel and pulling out so much pretty.

Whimsy & Wilbur review - Swoon Worthy

Here’s everything that was in the box – so much stuff! (I added the roses of course!)

Whimsy & Wilbur review - Swoon Worthy

I adore the geometric vase and the little white marble candle holders. Right up my street those ones.

Whimsy & Wilbur review - Swoon Worthy

Wayne and I shared the peanut caramel chocolate over a cup of tea (a total indulgence as I quit processed sugar a while ago but it was in the name of RESEARCH, people, RESEARCH. I’m such a martyr for you guys, seriously). I can attest to the fact that it was bloomin’ gorgeous.

Whimsy & Wilbur review - Swoon Worthy

I also loved the cards – they are so cute and I can’t wait to give them out and share the love!

Whimsy & Wilbur review - Swoon Worthy

Everything in the parcel was so beautifully packaged and presented (the little gold & white parcel string was a lovely touch too!) and the quality of the items within it were all fantastic. I was really impressed. Which is exactly what I was hoping for!

I can also say that Wayne’s mum loved her parcel – she said everything was so lovely and it really brought a smile to her face. So that’s at least 2 very happy and sometimes hard-to-please customers. And I retain my crown as ‘Daughter-in-Law of the Year’. *adjusts tiara* *wipes tear from eye* *waves*

Do you know what else is impressive? Madeleine herself. This is not some big power-house company. Not at all. She graduated from the University of Nottingham with a 1st class degree in the summer of 2014. And in January of 2015, at the ripe old age of 22 (22!!!) launched her business from the dining room table after realising the gap in the market for pretty luxury hampers. Gotta say, at 22, I was more interested in boys than I was in business so I admire her entrepreneurial spirit!

Now, I will say the hampers are clearly more geared to those of the more ‘feminine persuasion’ but that certainly doesn’t mean if you have a stylish gent in your life or someone who just likes lovely things, it couldn’t work for any gender.


After my experience, I’m really happy to recommend Whimsy & Wilbur to you guys – they have 4 different packages each with their own selection of gorgeousness to spoilΒ a friend, partner, relative or hell, even yourself! And I love the idea of supporting a fledgling business from a young woman who clearly knows her market and is going places, don’t you?

What do you think of Whimsy & Wilbur? Which package would you send? Or would you want to just spoil yourself? I’d love to hear what you think!


Disclaimer: I was provided the Spoil Someone and Spoil Someone More hampers free for my review but as always, all images, opinions and words are my very own. Thanks for supporting the businesses that support Swoon Worthy.


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