So if you’ve been reading Swoon Worthy for a while, you may already know that I’m a big fan of British Interior Designer Abigail Ahern. Her love of dark paint colours and her fearless jumble of eclectic accessories and stand out pieces is forever inspiring me to take more chances, to go darker, to go more bold and to basically not give a shit if things ‘match’. Β She’s got a lot of sass and she’s a hell of an entrepreneur. I like that in a person, what can I say.

Anyway, one thing that I hadn’t been able to do until very recently is pay a visit toΒ her shop in London (Abigail, please open a shop in Manchester! We need you!). Well, last week, deciding to stay in London for an extra full day after the Amara Awards, I decided to finally make the trip. Armed only with my camera phone (which of course, now I regret), I had to document my visit.

And holy crap, is it good.

The strangest thing is that it’s painted in Abigail’s signature dark and moody colours. Well, okay, that’s not strange – I mean, she’s just put out a paint collection, of course it would be painted in her colours. What’s strange is that it isn’t a massive sprawling space so you would think this would make things feel crowded and oppressive, right? But it doesn’t at all. It’s just a really cool vibe with really cool things that make you want to explore every last inch of the place. Of course, I mean, this is Abigail Ahern’s store – it’s gonna be cool.

The other thing I noticed is how many flowers there are. All faux, all exceptionally gorgeous. I mean, they aren’t cheap but the quality is just stunning. They genuinely look real and they are covering every spare inch of the place which just gives it life.

Amist the faux flowers are a myriad of hidden treasures. Eclectic furniture, lots of animals, quirky pieces – every bit of which I wanted shove in my tiny suitcase and bring home with me on the train. Alas, my sole purchase was the little faux succulent you saw in my latest post. But I had to have something, no matter how small.

I was told by the really friendly woman at the till (and I didn’t catch her name but she was really sweet) that Abigail had only been in the day before to do a little styling. It was a shame I had missed her but I’m definitely going back.

This time with my DSLR as well as a big empty suitcase.

Abigail Ahern is open Monday through Saturday 10:30am – 6pm and Sundays 12pm – 5pm.

Have you paid a visit? Is this someplace you’d like to shop?

Don’t miss a thing!

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