Seeing as there is only one little thing left to do for the dressing room mini-makeover to be complete, I had a decision to make. Do I rush that last item, sort the rest of the room and get it all done in time for a Monday morning blog post? Or do I give it a few more days, make sure it’s really right and then do my big reveal? Well, despite my impatience wanting to share it with you, the practicality won out in the end.

My dressing room reveal is so so SO close but it’s just not at 100% just yet (probably at 96.5%). And I desperately want it to be at 100% when I share it even though even at this point, every time I walk into the room, I smile and do a little dance in honour of how quickly the transformation came about. Which is quite embarrassing really being that I have 3 mirrors in the room showcasing my 90’s style dance moves in triplicate. Oh the shame. Oh the sheer joy.
Here’s a little sneaky peek in the meantime…
A sneaky peak at my eclectic boho glam dressing room makeover
Now… if that’s not enough for you, then I’m going to make up for it by showing you some dreamy dressing rooms. Oh yes, I do love love LOVE my little room that’s all my own. But there’s nothing like a little bit of pretty to get you through a Monday morning.
If you haven’t yet seen Rachel from Pink Peonies‘ dressing room/office reveal, you are in for a treat. Honestly, I think I gasped at it’s feminine wonder and beauty.
The dreamiest dressing room inspiration from Rachel at Pink Peonies'
For the ultimate dressing room inspiration take a look at Rachel from Pink Peonies' feminine dressing room/office reveal.
Pale peachy pink dressing room inspiration from Rachel at Pink Peonies'
Are you dying over the combination of pale peachy pink and that amazing leopard print rug? I actually kind of want to just live in that room. Amazing.
And my girl Kelly from View Along the Way recently turned a sad little closet into her own dreamy girlie dressing space recently too. I am absolutely in love with that wallpaper! The whole thing was an amazing DIY effort so you really need to check it out for some fab ideas.
Dreamy girlie dressing room inspiration from Kelly at View Along the Way
Gorgeous dressing room inspiration from Kelly from View Along the Way.
Kelly from A View Along the Way's dreamy girlie dressing room converted from a closet
Here is some more inspiration from rather lovely dressing rooms around the web…
Dreamy dressing room inspiration - jewellery storage
Dreamy dressing room inspiration - wardrobe storage ideas
Wardrobe solutions for dreamy dressing rooms
Gorgeous feminine dressing room inspiration
I hope these pretty pictures make up for my lack of a reveal today! It’s coming soon, my lovelies! In the meantime, what do you think of these gorgeous spaces? What elements would make up your dream dressing room? Any new dance moves you can teach me? I’m afraid I’m pretty rusty and can use all the help I can get…


Don’t miss a thing!
Other image sources: Β 8 (unknown) / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12

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