First a post on fashion and now one on beauty products – what the heck is coming over me?! I’m gonna be hashtagging my posts with #oowt and #bblogger soon if I keep this up.

Ok, I’m joking really. The thing is, I created some really cute beauty products for AO at Home the other day and I just wanted to share them with you.

As someone with really dry and sensitive skin, what goes into my beauty products is quite important to me. Making these out of natural and organic ingredients was so incredibly satisfying and not just that, they smell and work wonderfully.

Peppermint and Vanilla Tinted Lip Balm

Rosemary, Peppermint and Lavender Body Butter

Rosemary & Lemongrass Salt Scrub

If you would like to know how I made them and how you can too, just pop on over to my post on AO at Home for all the details and for some cute downloadable recipe cards!

Don’t miss a thing!

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