And thus my lack of proper posts!

In a very short 7 day period, I attended a book launch for Home For Now in London, ran aΒ DIY art workshop at Home is in the North in ManchesterΒ and we – meaning my team at AO – finally held our very first food blogger event in Milton Keynes. Β What can I say, I like to get around.

We had John Whaites, winner of the Great British Bakeoff, there to teach our bloggers a few baking tricks and it was such great fun and I felt quite proud to be part of it.

But y’all, planning a blogging event is a lot of work and a little bit stressy but it came together at the event and everyone had a lovely time. Β And we ate some seriously good food so that’s always a plus.

After all the excitement of that little 7 day period, to say that I’m a little bit shattered is a bit of an understatement. Β There has been no time to work on projects, no time to get posts ready and my inbox has been winking at me in a way that’s starting to seem slightly stalkerish. Β So I hope you forgive me if I haven’t been around much!

As a result of my brain melt today, instead of my normal posts, I’m just gonna share a couple of snaps (from my fancy new Samsung Galaxy Note 3 which I had to run out and buy this weekend as mine was dying an unholy death) that I took today. Because it’s a 3 day weekend and hanging out in the garden is about all I have the capacity for right now.

Our normal schedule will resume shortly! Β What have you been up to lately?

Don’t miss a thing!

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