So you may have noticed I’ve been a bit erm… absent from my blog! Ya know when you can just FEEL that you need a little break? Β Yep, been feeling like that. And rather than just put up rubbish filler content, I decided that I just needed to back away for a bit. Β Doesn’t mean I haven’t been blogging, mind you.

You can check out my latest post about Small Gardening and Balcony ideas here on AO at Home, 2014 Garden Trends on AO at Home and you can check out How to Decorate with Plants on Oak Furnitureland’s Blog here. Β I’m still alive and well, I promise! ;)

Anyway, I’m feeling a bit more refreshed after a lovely long weekend, so I thought I’d let you know where we were on the Guest Bedroom/Office remodel. Β Recently, we decided to start tackling the absolute horrific mess that was in this room. Β While Operation Bathroom Remodel is currently 93% done, we are still waiting on a few small things – so we decided we gotta start gettin’ ‘er done.

I have no idea why suddenly, I turned into a Southern American there but it happens.

Anyway, it was mostly a clear out of all the DIY stuff that had amassed in that room during the last 8 months or so – paint, a million tools, left over tiles, bags of grout and general STUFF. Β The room is clearer now but that has still left us with a lot of pieces we have no use for any more and still just so much more to get rid of.

So here are our BEFORE pictures. Β Take a deep breath because it’s not pretty.

Oh yes, everything from the ugly textured ceilings to the carpets and everything in between needs some major attention.

See this closet? Β It’s full of crap that needs to be sorted and is also the home of the old boiler which is not even functional any more. Β Say bye bye because IT’S ALL GOING.

New layout, new built-in storage, new desk, new guest bed, new flooring, new ceiling, new lighting… the works.

I’ll share some of my design decisions with you – like what we’re doing with the flooring – soon!

Coming along for the ride?

Don’t miss a thing!

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