In honour of both my new blog design and the post about my new crisp black and white bedding, I thought I’d do a little buying guide today using the glorious and oh-so-chic combination of black, white and gold.

If you are still unconvinced of the power of these three beautiful tones working so harmoniously, enter Christine Dovey‘s glorious abode as shown in Style Me Pretty (and yes, it still remains one of my favourite homes in all of blogland which is surprising seeing how much I crave colour – but STILL. OH MAH GAWD. LOOK AT IT. PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIVE IN HOMES THAT LOOK LIKE THIS.)

Sigh. Β See how gloriously chic this combination actually is? Β Well, my buying guide today hopefully shows that with a few tasteful pieces, you and your home can be just as chic and gorgeous.*

*individual results may vary

Now that Hicks Pendant has been on my wishlist for pretty much years. I can’t find a supplier for them in the UK but to be fair, even if I did, I’m not sure that I’d be able to afford 3 of them for my kitchen (which is pretty much my dream). Thankfully, there’s a few much more affordable items in my buying guide today. The little gold and black bowls from Zalando are definitely on my wishlist – one can not have too many bowls. Speaking of cute storage, I do love the graphic black, white and gold box from AmaraΒ as well although at the price, it’s definitely on my when-I-win-the-lottery list. Β The cute ‘XO’ print from Rachillustrates on Etsy would be fab in a gold frame as shown and is only Β£17 – bargain!

Happy Shopping! All links are on the bottom of the post!

1Β /Β 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11

So what do you think of this fabulous colour combo? Β Any favourites of my picks? Are you dying a thousand deaths over Christine’s home as well? Β Talk to me.

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