So I’ve fallen in love with Erin Williamson from Design Crisis’ bedroom. Β Naturally, because it’s beautiful. And also because of that bed and the throw and the rug and the lamps. Β But mostly because of that freaking amazing wallpaper.

Now I’ve been searching on and off for probably a YEAR for the perfect wallpaper for my hallway. Β I want something that’s interesting but not overwhelming. Β It’s narrow – too narrow for any furniture but once it hits the stairs, it’s two stories high and then wraps around the hallway upstairs and that’s a LOT of wallpaper so anything too bold or too dark is out. Β I also want to replace the carpeting to something in a dark to mid grey rather than the boring beige-y colour which shows every single stain. Β And then there’s my love of all things gold and brass – I want a brass light fixture, a mirror and perhaps some kind of small gallery wall.

I have loved the grey/gold combination for some time anyway. Β So when I saw this paper, I thought I might have found THE ONE.

I looked it up – it’s Cole & Son Fornesetti II Chiavi Segrete in Linen and Gold.

It’s also Β£140 per roll. Β I will probably need something like 10 rolls for this project. Β At Β£140/roll x 10 rolls = Β£1400. Erm.

Why do I have champagne taste and a Cava budget?

It goes back once again to the fact that this is probably not our forever home. Β And even if we had that kind of cash (we don’t considering we also need to do the flooring, the stairs, all the carpet upstairs plus accessorising the space), spending it on something that we can’t take with us – it’s not something I can justify right now.

So I’m on the hunt for something similar. Β I love the soft but interesting pattern, the pale grey background and the metallic gold touches. I NEED that combination somehow but I don’t really want to spend any more than say Β£50 a roll max (even that is pushing it).

Anyone know of any wallpapers that are similar in style? Β I’m gutted that my searches have come up short but there’s such a HUGE array of wallpapers out there that someone, somewhere must know something, right? Β Can you help?

Don’t miss a thing!

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