I recently very kindly received a couple of Habitat picture frames for review. The first, a floating frame, was immediately called in to do service in my bedroom for an existing print which desperately required a new frame. The second, however, was a little more challenging.  The Rona frame is oak which really, can work anywhere, as warm and classic as oak is, and has a slightly inverted angled edge which gives it a more contemporary look. The frame provided to me was 40x50cm so all I needed to do was find a print that worked in that size.

The funny thing is, while there are plenty of prints out there around that size, choosing the right art for your home is a very personal thing. What appeals to one person will not appeal to another. And finding a 40x50cm print that I loved as well as worked with the room I had in mind was no easy task.

Over the Christmas break, however, I had a brainwave. See, this is why stepping away from the laptop is so important. When my mind is cluttered, I find it hard to think of fresh ideas. It was only when I took the frame apart, I saw there was a nice hardboard backing. Well, why not just use that hardboard backing as my canvas?

So that’s what I did.  I’m calling the painting That’s What She Said because aside from being a classic punchline to any innuendo, when I looked at the final piece, I saw what appeared to be one person whispering to another (you might have to squint a little but trust me, it’s there).

Here’s the whole piece…

As you can see, the painting is meant for my dressing room so the pale mint greens, pinks, turquoise and yellow are all in there…

Going back to the frame, like the Bacall (reviewed here), it’s sturdy and strong and is very good quality for the money at just Β£22 currently in the sale on Habitat’s website.  I have absolutely no reason not to recommend it and I think it makes my painting look rather dapper.  I didn’t use the glass here but I’ve saved it in case I later decide to use it.

I decided to put show it off horizontally on the top of my shelving unit (and finally decided to hang my Leigh Viner prints on the wall)…

And it’s quite a nice greeting when you walk up the stairs to face my little slice of girly heaven ;)

So tell me… do you ever find you’re more creative when you just take some time to relax?

Don’t miss a thing!

Disclaimer:  I was provided the Rona frame from Habitat for free in exchange for my review but the painting, all images, opinions, poor attempts at humour and general randomness are always my very own.

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