Ok, so a little while ago, I decided to enter the Room for Colour contest on Apartment Therapy.  It was a complete whim but I only just realised TODAY that my entry has been up for 2 days and I’m currently at #6 for the International Division.

Your little votes could quite possibly make the difference… Ok, admittedly, I was looking at the #1 entry and it’s pretty jaw-dropping but ya know, I like to dream big.  And it’s the first time I’ve ever entered this before so it would be SO appreciated if you could :)  AND VOTING ENDS TOMORROW.


You can vote here! http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/kimberlys-royal-mustard-and-berry-room-room-for-color-contest-1951243

Thank you so much for those who’ve already voted for me!  You guys ROCK MY SOCKS.  I love you all.


Now go vote before I start getting fresh ;)


Don’t miss a thing!

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