Remember back in April when I said I was pretty much satisfied with this room? AHAHAHA!! Yeah, I am never done, I don’t even know why I bother saying it anymore.

I kept seeing all these amazing dining rooms all over blogland… Here are two of my favourites from two of my favourite bloggers.  Let’s play a game to see what they have in common.  (Don’t worry this is a pretty easy game.)
The first is a snippet of Tobe from Because it’s Awesome’s dining room… All that gorgeous mid century brassy wonderfulness makes me weak in the knees…
And the second is from Elizabeth from Little Black Door’s dining room (try not to get distracted by that freaking amazing chandelier):
So a big thank you to these fabulous bloggie friends who made me brave enough to just go for it.

Have you figured it out yet?

Yes, I am a little obsessed at the moment with gorgeous blue dining rooms.  And I wanted one for my very own.  Badly.
In fact, it’s been 3 YEARS since I painted my own dining room a lovely grey.  And I did love it.  For a while.  But ya know when you finally just decide you need a change?  Well, with Wayne away a couple of weekends ago to go watch MotoGP, I decided a project was required to keep me busy.
Enter Dulux Wild Water 1.  I would never recommend doing this but I just marched into my local Homebase, looked at a couple of swatches and ordered up a big ol’ 5 litre pot of the stuff.  I had no idea whether I’d like it, I hadn’t tested it on my walls, I didn’t know what it would look like in natural light, but I took a bit of a chance.  Don’t try this at home, kids.
It’s a damn good thing that I like it.  In fact, as soon as I put it on my walls, I knew it was the right decision.
Excuse the fact that I haven’t yet painted/reupholstered my faux bamboo chairs yet.  Getting to it.

The colour, depending upon the light, goes from a navy to a bright royal.  I love that it looks different at different times of the day.

So for those of you on Facebook or Twitter that guessed I was going to go blue, you know me too well ;)

I have to admit, it was quite nice when Wayne came home on Sunday evening, looked at the finished dining room and remarked how wonderful it looked.  It’s weird – it’s like it’s always been this colour.  I feel like I’ve found the room’s true calling.  For now anyway ;)  And I keep thinking of that One Hit Wonder from the 90s…

Also, I’m purposely not showing you the other side of the room because I have FINALLY got my console table for that wall.  After months and months of searching!!  And I found it in the most unlikeliest of places. Will share that soon.

Need a reminder of what it looked like before?  Here ya go.

So have you ever taken a chance on a paint colour and it paid off?  Are you as obsessed with deep blues as I am right now?  What do you think of the colour I chose?  And most importantly…am I the only one who remembers the 90s?  Oh god, please tell me I’m not.

Don’t miss a thing!

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