** please do not contact me about these chairs, they were sold in 2013**

First off, thanks for all the lovely comments about my damn-near-finished dining room.  Big smoochie kisses for all the love! :)

Now, this is a bit of a weird post for me but if you were anything like me, desperate for some faux bamboo action in your life and you live in the UK, then you may appreciate this.

You may remember when I obtained the two end chairs in my dining room, that I actually acquired six chairs in the set (here’s the post about that if you are curious to know how I obtained in total, TEN faux bamboo chairs – it’s actually rather romantic).  Short story:  I only needed the 2 arm chairs as I already owned the 4 armless ones but the opportunity to complete my collection was too good to pass on the whole set!  So we purchased the whole set of 6 after a rather tense eBay auction and that’s how I came to have 4 extra chairs.

They were originally earmarked for an Interior Designer and fellow blogger but as that has not come to pass (her client deciding on something different), I figured I’d put them on the blog to see if I had any takers before putting them on eBay or anywhere else.

As you can see, mine are still looking great and that’s because they’ve been professionally painted in Wayne’s car body shop.  The paint he uses is incredibly durable and pretty damn near chip-proof (and I often slam around with the vacuum).  The paint gives the chairs a gorgeous shiny lacquer finish too.

Now don’t let the bad paint job on the ones I’m selling fool you – the chairs are in excellent condition and will clean up just as nice as the ones in my dining room.  In fact, they are in better condition then what mine were in originally.  The seats are solid and the base of the chairs are in great condition (mine didn’t have the original bases).  They are just currently in a rather ugly green colour (what the HECK were they thinking?), not unlike my original ones.

I’m offering the set of 4 chairs as is for Β£275 or professionally painted (in damn near any colour you’d like) for Β£350.  If you are interested, please drop me an email on swoonworthyblog at gmail dot com.

Here are some more pictures…



Considering these chairs are damn near impossible to buy in the UK (trust me, I was looking on eBay for them for the past 2 years and rarely came upon them and when I did, they often went for a whole lot more than what I’m selling them for), you can actually pick up a pretty decent bargain here.

Or ya know, you can get them from Jonathan Adler’s site for  Β£550 each.  (WTF?!)

For a courier service, I would recommend Shiply.com where you can organise a quote to wherever you’d like them delivered.  I’ve used it for eBay items in the past with no problems (but please read the reviews – the cheapest quotes aren’t always the best quotes).  I live just south of Manchester in Cheadle Heath so if you want to collect them, that’s cool too.

First come, first served of course!  And please get the word out if you can by tweeting or sharing this post or if you know anyone that might be interested – I would really appreciate it!  If you want more information, just shoot me an email.  Thanks my lovelies :)

Thanks for getting the word out guys – who needs eBay when you’ve got social media? :)


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