Ya know what they tell you in Blogging School? (Ok, there’s no proper blogging school but let’s just go with this thought.)  They tell you that you should create a blog schedule that works for you and stick to it.  So like, even if you just post 2 or 3 times a week, then you should always post on the same 2 or 3 days at the same time each week.  I’m so not good at this stuff.  Here I am posting on a Friday night – the day when historically, I get the least amount of visitors. (Look at your stats is taught there too.)

But anyway, I just thought I’d share two posts I did for the AO at Home blog… one of which was this rather snazzy South West American Style post… more Sante Fe Chic than 80’s Mexican Restaurant, promise.  Plus there are buffalo pictures.

And the other was my interview with Laurence Llewellyn-Bowen.  I seriously got to talk to him on the phone thanks to my lovely mates at Graham and Brown.  Honestly, guys, he was SO FUNNY and really charming.  I know he’s like the ‘Marmite’ of British Interior Design but I have to say, he talked a lot of sense and made me laugh.  That’s a win in my books.

One extract:  β€œNeutrals are like the pasta or mashed potatoes on your plate,” he explains. β€œA required foundation but certainly not the main course.  You need to add those extras to dress it up, to make it appealing.  Who really wants to eat plain pasta?”

Right? RIGHT?!  Loved it.  Go pop over and have a read, there are more gems like that.  In fact there would have been even more of them if my dictaphone equipment hadn’t failed me completely and I didn’t have to fully rely on my hand-written notes.  What a nightmare.  But ya make do, regardless.  Consummate professional, that’s me *snort*

I leave you with this thought for your weekend… which also happens to be a new print from Sarah & Bendrix added to my gallery wall.  I’m almost done with it, by the way.  Honestly, just one or two more pieces and the wall is full top to bottom.  Happy  Days.

Have a great weekend.

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