Because there’s nothing worse than the emptiness of your home when the Christmas decor comes down and January looms ahead with promises of dreary weather…

And in my case, a looming birthday that I’d really just rather not celebrate!! *sticks head in sand and pretends ageing is not a reality*

So every single January, after I clear everything ‘Christmas’ and pack it away, I give my house a little bit of a shakeup.  I don’t like putting everything back exactly where it was before, that’s just depressing.  And if you are anything like me, when you’re decor stagnates, you might feel a bit stagnated yourself.

So I’ve offered up 12 steps you can take – that won’t even cost much money (hurrah!) – to give your home a little bit of a Winter Refresh.

Here are the first 3 steps…

1. Clean: After the Christmas tree comes down and Christmas decor from the mantle, table or other surfaces is packed away and stored for another year, take advantage of the opportunity of the cleared surfaces to give your home a thorough dusting and polish. Clean your windowsills and make sure your windows sparkle to let in as much light as possible on often overcast days. Don’t forget to run the hoover to pick up any remaining pesky pine needles!

2. Take Stock: Take all your remaining decorative accessories, pictures, vases and knickknacks from every surface and shelf of your home and lay them all out in one place. Keep a dusting cloth in your hand and as you pick each object up, remove any excess dust before laying it down to save time. I generally clear my dining table completely and use this as the β€˜base’. It’s so much easier when you can see all your items at once. We’ll come back to these in Step 7.

3. Assess: Once you’ve cleared and cleaned all the surfaces, have a look at your furniture. Is it possible to move things away from the walls to create a more intimate and conversation-friendly space? Can you improve the flow of traffic with a different placement?

Want to see the rest?  It gets better, promise ;)

Hop on over by clicking here.

Have a great weekend!

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