Obviously, the Christmas Mantle is A. BIG. DEAL.Β  I’m not sure why but Pinterest and Blogland goes crazy for ’em.Β  And why not.Β  Any flat surface that’s rarely ‘bothered’ is prime suspect Number One for a bit of Christmas cheer and the one in my dining room is no different.

As my loose ‘theme’ this year is white, gold and turquoise (with a bit of leopard print and black and white on my tree thrown in), I decided to keep my foo dogs on the shelf.Β  Just about everything else had a bit of a swap-a-roo.

The only things I purchased were the littleΒ topiariesΒ on each side.Β  They are so cute and I figured I can continue to use them long after Christmas is over. Β I could have embellished them a bit but I figured the whole scene was embellished enough. Β I kinda like their simplicity.

Of course, no Christmas mantle worth its salt is complete without a garland. Β So that’s there too, strung with lights with lots of added pics. Β There’s even little robins stuck in there for good measure. Β The cats haven’t spotted those yet.

The stockings I’ve had now for the last couple years, purchased from Graham and Greene.Β  They are fluffy and huge, all the better for filling with little pressies.

The gold sparkly deer got a wee little ribbon bow and last year’s bargain Christmas plates (purchased in the sales for less than Β£1 each at Morrisons) keep it all rather Christmassy.

So that’s my Christmas mantle.Β  Symmetry abounds.Β  I simply can’t help myself.

Terrible picture quality in this next one but you can see my bar cart all lit up next to it.Β  I kinda wanna just leave it like this all year.

Oh by the way, I took loads of pictures of my tree while it was bright and sunny out this weekend. Β Great, right? Β No, not great. Β I seemed to have forgotten to check that the camera had an SD card in it. Β So no pics of the tree until next weekend. Β Crap. Β That’s major #bloggerfail right there.

In better news, there’s still my Christmas tablescape to share so that’ll be Part III coming up soon!

Have you got a Christmas mantle you want to share?Β  Link in the comments, I’d love to see if so!Β  If not, I’d still love you hear from you – what you are you doing for your holidays? Β Have any major #bloggerfails lately?


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