It started with this amazing reveal of #projectscarlett – Christine from Bijou and Boheme (the queen of pink done oh so elegantly) completely redecorated her daughter’s room and turned into this absolutely sparkling gem…

Yeah, it’s good.  Like REALLY REALLY good.  But it was this that caught my imagination.

Ok, yes, I need more pink tutus in my life.  But it wasn’t that exactly.

The clothing rails are just simple inexpensive jobs from Ikea but she had them professionally sprayed in gold.  Makes them look a million bucks, no?

You can see where this is going right?

My clothing rail was purchased more on practicality than anything.  I got it before we even moved in because I knew I was going to be creating a dressing room for myself out of the box room and long before I knew what I would do with the room design-wise.  But it was sturdy – a commercial product from a company that supplies to retailers.  It was a good 6′ long and it was sturdy as hell, able to support all of my clothing without so much as a whimper.

But it was black.  And as the room was completed, the more I wanted something that worked better with the room.  I started looking to see if I could get something similar in gold or brass but my searches fell short for something just as practical but gloriously sparkly.  That’s until I saw Christine’s fabulous idea.

Did I mention that W works as a car sprayer?  And has access to all sorts of cool stuff like professional lacquers and a painting booth?  Why the heck didn’t I think of this myself?

So here’s what it looked like before…

And here it is in all it’s glittery gold glory.

Apologies that the shot isn’t ‘styled’ at all, my clothes are all a bit haphazardly hung but you get the idea… this is real life peeps.

Better no?  And it only cost me about Β£8 for the paint.  Plus, the top rail is lacquered so it won’t quickly scratch with hangers being pulled hither and thither which it may have done if I had just sprayed it myself.

I just really wanted to use a sentence with “hither and thither”. 

It’s a little change but it makes me happy.  You can never have too much gold.  Also?  Go and check out the Christine’s full reveal of her daughter’s room because it is all kinds of fabulous.  I totally want to just move in myself.

P.S.  Have you entered my giveaway for lots of gorgeous things available via Ask Her Friends?  Go and enter, there’s still time!

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