I’m a terrible blogger lately.  I recognise this and accept it.  My posting has been sporadic at best, my visiting even worse.  Alas, once things slow down a bit with summer winding to it’s inevitable end, I imagine things will improve.  I can only ask you be patient with me in the meantime.

I spent the weekend with W painting the cellar, the stairwell into the cellar and the coat closet at the top of the cellar stairs – there’s not much pretty to show at this point as the progress is slow with us just doing bits and pieces at the weekend between other engagements but hopefully I’ll be able to show you something soon.  It’s actually starting to look like a proper living space already rather than the scummy spider-infested wonderland it once was.  Flooring will be going down in the next week or two and then we’re actually getting to the home stretch in terms of renovating this room.  It’s all rather exciting so can’t wait to share that with you!

Annnnnyway, let’s get on with today’s post, shall we?  I’ve recently noticed that I’ve been adding zebra print in small batches seemingly everywhere lately. 

It’s in my bedroom (lamp shades), my dressing room (a little bowl to hold bracelets, a storage box), on my face by way of my spectacles which have rather fetching zebra arms, my wallet is zebra print, even the cat bowls are zebra print.  Yeah,  you can say I’ve got the jungle zebra fever.

So I figured I’d share some gorgeous zebra inspiration to show you how small touches can make some serious sexy impact.













By the way, here’s how not to do zebra.  (Click that link at your own risk.)  Too much of a good thing is never a good thing when it comes to animal print.

So, do you have any zebra print knockin’ about your home makin’ it all sexy and crazy like?

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