After my frightful post on Monday all around what workΒ W’s been doing to the cellar to create his very own ‘Man Cave’, I thought we’d look at the end result of allowing the boys a place to call their own.

As it goes, and probably replicated in many households with interiors-obsessed inhabitants, I have pretty much driven the decisions on how we decorate every other part of the house.Β  Yes, W still absolutely has a say and he will be very vocal about things he doesn’t care for.Β  Sometimes, I find myself pushing the boundaries of what he feels comfortable with, and 9 times out of 10, he likes the result even if it took a bit of ignoring him and just doing what I wanted to anywayΒ convincing.

With this part of the house, however, I am pretty much allowing him to do as he wishes.Β  He wants to decorate it his own way and I do respect him for that.Β  It’s his space, not mine (I have the dressing room to call my own, after all) so I will mostly be trying to keep my mouth shut in terms of what he can or should do down there.

I do want to share some beautifully masculine spaces with you here today, however, if only to show that whilst I do love my girly glam, I’m a sucker for darker interiors (as indicated by my dining room, my bedroom and my bathroom) and I deeply appreciate a nod to industrial style which seems to work really well for ‘man spaces’ and to balance out a too-feminine interior.

As an aside, in researching ‘man caves’, I very unfortunately came across too many images of pool tables and pinball machines and miles of ‘pleather’ recliners perpetuating every ridiculous stereotype of the rather animalistic behaviour of men along with signs telling people it’s okay to belch, scratch and pass wind as much as they like in their space.Β  All I can say after seeing the proliferation of these signs on Pinterest is how grateful I am that W is a bit more refined than that (he actually shook his head and looked away in disgust when I showed him the link).Β  Ok, he’s not Mr. Darcy, all caviar and champagne – not even remotely.Β  He’s a ‘Manc’ after all, he likes his beer, he likes F1 and footie but, I don’t know.Β  Maybe it’s because he’s English and not a ‘lad’, he couldn’t be further away from this kind of stereotype.Β  Thank god.Β  And I know he’s certainly not the only one who breaks the supposed mould in this way!

Now whether or not that bit of class or refinement translates into good taste in his decor remains to be seen.Β  I can only hope he reads this post and adopts some of the gorgeous worldly taste of the interior designers who crafted these beautiful and yet very masculine rooms.


A darkΒ colour palletteΒ seems to perpetuate masculine interiors with deep inky colours on the walls and touches of stained wood and soft natural leathers and hides.



But masculine interiors don’t have to be dark.Β  White walls showcasing a nod to manly pop culture can be well placed and look classy if done right.Β  A herringbone floor helps you to ignore the inevitable gadgetry that seems to breed in manly spaces.




Introducing bright colours like orange mixed with navy and white keeps the space bright without venturing anywhere near ‘girly’.Β Β  A football, a dragon and a flat screen all ensure this space is a testosterone-friendly zone.




Black and white are always sexy, though, and work in both masculine and feminine interiors.Β  The introduction of velvet and a bit of snow leopard just adds to the sexy factor.Β  Yum yum.Β  Strong geometrics, straight lines and framed architectural prints make this room a swoon-inducing favourite.




Of course our space is no where nearΒ as cavernous as this next imageΒ but the deep stained wood and leather furniture keep the industrial lighting from looking too cold.Β  You just know this would be a fantastic space to hang out, drink a few beers, relax and have a sexy photoshoot with your other half.Β  (I totally wasn’t even thinking that, you perv.)


This next ‘man cave’ is really a more practical space, perhaps, as I know a flat screen television will definitely be making an appearance in our very own cellar.Β  All the easier to play the PS3 with, I suppose.Β  But a soft underfoot rug, lots of framed pictures, the oversized jacks and book-lined shelvesΒ reminds us the space is a place to chill and enjoy.




As a massive Star Wars fan, I expect there might actually be a bit of a playfulΒ nod to childhood passions in W’s man cave.Β  It also keeps the space from looking too serious.




I don’t even mind the odd sexy pinup if it’s done in an urban chic style.




I may even be open to the flagrant attachment to sport if it’s done with impeccable taste.Β  Throw in a couple of chesterfields, a nod to the Union Flag and an oversized 8 ball and I’d spend as much time down there as he does.Β  I do realise this isn’t the point.Β  Maybe I shouldn’t have said that out loud.




No matter whether you’ve got your very own Christian Grey or just an all-around good bloke that doesn’t see the need to pass wind every time he’s in your presence, let’s hope you can show him that gorgeous interiors aren’t just for the girls.

Do you have a ‘man cave’ in your home?Β  Any favourites in the images shown here?Β  Want to share your own story of manly men who break stereotypes?Β  Do share in the comments!




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