It will come as no surprise to those of you that have been reading my blog for a little bit that I’m currently obsessed with all things gold and I’ve been adding it in small doses to anything that’s not bolted down my dining room.

If you missed my post yesterday, I featured the lovely Erin of Clementine and Olive and it was whilst looking at Erin’s gorgeous creations that started me thinking about my own antique sideboard.

So after a WWED (What Would Erin Do?) moment, I decided to email her to see if she thought the sideboard hardware should be given the gold treatment.Β  I had a feeling she might agree but I was actually a little scared to take the plunge without ‘permission’. Happily, Erin encouraged me to most definitely go for it!Β  All systems were go!!

So I did it.Β  And I have to say, it’s like my sideboard has had a little makeover with new pretty jewellery!

(Warning: There are far too many pics in this post and instead of deleting some of them, I decided to just post this warning instead because I couldn’t decide which ones to delete and I like to make life more complicated than it needs to be.)

Here’s the before…

I tried using Brasso to start with but the hardware was almost black asΒ  you can see and, well, I like instant gratification.Β  After about 10 minutes of tedious polishing on the first handle with no budging of the antiqued finish, I decided I really couldn’t be arsed doing this for each one of the handles.Β  So with the help of my lovely stand by, Montana Gold Gold Chrome spray paint, I got to work.Β  I also gave the front another coat of glossy white paint which is not entirely noticeable in this post but it just needed a bit of a refresh.

So here’s the after…

I love the fact that it ties in rather nicely with the barcart next to it.

The result is subtle which I’m happy about but it’s just enough to give the room a little push into the glamorous side.

So thank you, Erin for the fabulous inspiration and encouragement!

What do you reckon?Β  Do you think I should be certified for being slightly gold mad?Β  Or perhaps you think that I own stock in Montana Gold spray paint (I don’t, I just really like it)?Β  Or maybe you think the sideboard looked better before?Β  Or perhaps you just want to say “hi” or let me know what you’re having for dinner tonight?Β  Hey, I’m easy – the comment box awaits!

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