So I’ve been doing a lot of sewing lately.Β  Like, A LOT of sewing lately… and that’s part of my exciting little announcement that I’m DYING to share with you all but you’ll just have to wait that little tiny bit longer… I know, I’m such a tease.Β  Soon, my lovelies, soon.

In the meantime, with a bit of excess fabric that I had leftover, I decided to create a table runner for the dining table.Β  I swear I am messing with the dining room every other week but I love that the room is so easily changed up.Β  And as I have the attention span of a 4 year old, that suits me fine.

It’s quite an easy design and I kind of winged it really but I think it came out pretty well.Β  I sort of screwed up the edges at the end but it’s not something anyone would really notice unless you were a fellow ‘sewer’ (is that a word?Β  Should I have said ‘seamstress’?Β  I don’t know what the sewing etiquette is).

The colour sits somewhere between a strawberry red and a coral peach.Β  I almost wish it were spring because it just sort of gives the room a freshness that makes me smile when I walk in here.

I rarely find cute table runners in the shops – they always seem either too plain, too traditional or too modern for my tastes.Β  But this one ticks all the boxes for me.

Done any simple sewing lately?Β  Are you completely fed up of looking at my bloody dining room?Β  Do you have a room at home that you are constantly changing up?Β Β  Do share in the comments so I don’t feel like a weirdo posting the same room every week.Β  I promise I’ll get to other rooms soon! ;)

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The DIY Show Off

Oh I also wanted to mention just in case you haven’t noticed – I refreshed my “Essential Reading” list over there on the right hand side and along with my long-time favourites, have added in a goodly number of recently-discovered blogs that are unmissable (as well as a little preview image so you can see what loveliness you are in for!).Β  If you aren’t already reading them, then I highly recommend you get lost for a few hours in the interwebs and check them out.Β  You won’t be disappointed.

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