I was going to do a couple more posts on last minute Christmas decor and gift wrapping and such but I realised that it’s probably more important for me to be spending time with my friends and family than putting together blog posts! ;)  I mean, the mince pies aren’t going to eat themselves, now, are they?

So, instead, I just wanted to say a very big thank you to all my readers, commenters and fellow bloggers who have continued to provide amazing support and inspiration this year – Goodness knows I would never have carried on blogging this long without it!!  It has brought me so much joy and satisfaction to connect with so many of you this year and for that I thank you with all my heart.   Even to those who simply lurk, it means the world that you stop back at my little corner of the blogosphere to read my rambling thoughts and witness this crazy journey we are all on to make our homes the sincerest reflection of ourselves.

There is so much more to come in 2012 and I’m so looking forward to sharing that future journey with you.

As I can’t wrap up big smoochie kisses to you all, this will just have to do ;)

Merry Christmas Everyone 
from W, Pablo, Senna and of course, me, Redlilocks!
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