Everyone is in full-on Christmas mode and I’ve come across quite a few lovely ideas for homemade decorations.Β  Does that mean I’ll be attempting many myself?


Well, let’s say, I have managed to do just one which is about as simple as it gets but finding time for the others continues to be a challenge!Β  That doesn’t mean I can’t share, though, right?

So, I’ll show you mine first and then some others I’ve come across in blogland you may like to try.

A clear vase full of baubles always looks really festive but I decided to add a ribbon trim to mine just to give it some extra zshush!

Here’s some other lovely DIY projects to keep you busy!

Everyone can use a little more sparkle around the holidays so I’m loving these sequin ornaments

via Made By Girl

Blue Cricket Design created this vignette a couple of years ago but they look absolutely gorgeous and simple to recreate!Β  The DIY even includes the paper mache ornaments included but you can easily use store-bought ones if you are lazy like me ;)

via Blue Cricket Design

Meera’s adorable Washi Tape Reindeer is so simple but gorgeously effective.Β  I love something that takes so little time but makes a big impact.

via First Sense Interiors

And how cute are Katie’s owl ornaments?Β  They would look so cute attached to holiday parcels as well.Β  Love the mix of patterns!

via Craptastic

This isn’t exactly a DIY tutorial but how difficult would it be to recreate this with a branch from your garden, a bit of silver spray paint, candles and a glue gun?

via Westelm

Hope you enjoyed our little DIY extravaganza today!Β  I have to admit, I’m better at buying than I am at creating from scratch but that’s what the interwebs are for, right?

What kinds of DIY projects have you attempted this Christmas?


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