*Disclaimer: Ok, so maybe not amazing but I thought it had a nice ring to it.

I think after my last post, I realised how much work my dressing room really needs.  But until we are finished with the kitchen, I really can’t spend loads of money on this room (much as I’m now ITCHING to start the room).  So a mini refresh (actually just in one corner at the moment), I decided, was in order.

Just as a reminder, this is what this corner of my dressing room looked like back last year before I bought a simple roman blind, ripped up that manky carpet and painted those little shelves…

Other than those things, not much has changed for a while now…

Ho hum.

So using the wallpaper samples from my mood board in my dressing room post (which are even more gorgeous in person, let me assure you), I decided to use them to set a loose colour scheme for this corner.

I think it’s a little brighter and happier now…

The total cost for the refresh was Β£5.  And that was for the two white frames that I got on clearance at Sainsbury’s the other day that I hadn’t decided what to do with.  They were actually going to go on the gallery wall in the dining room but I thought it was a good opportunity to get those samples in front of my face to remind me about the ultimate goal for this room is.

Reminder of the before…

And now the after…

Of course, I can’t wait til the wallpaper actually adorns the walls in the truest sense but I liked how they look in the frames.

I thought the blue and gold accents of this bag worked quite nicely hung on it’s own.

And the gold and white theme is picked up in my bracelets.

Even my nailpolish seemed to work with the theme.

I shopped my jewelry box for a couple of old broaches to add a bit of sparkle.

And an owl pendant now has a home on the wall instead of being stuffed in a jewelry box.

Even my knee high boots seemed to work with the theme with the natural leather and gold buttons.

It makes me quite happy now, coming up the stairs because this corner is the first thing that’s seen.  I know it’s not the finished article but nothing wrong with a little shakeup right?  Especially when it only cost Β£5.

Have you had any little-to-no-money shakeups lately?

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