I have been looking for new curtains for the bedroom for like ever.

My initial plan wasΒ to make them myself until I started to realise that getting the fabric I actually really liked would be well beyond my budget due to the size and length of the windows.Β  Buying them off the shelf was another option but the cost of ready made curtains at that size wasn’t really in my budget either.

So this is the monstrosity that I’ve been looking at every morning when I wake up and every evening when I went to bed FOR THE LAST YEAR:

Yeah, seriously.Β  Curtains from my last bedroom in plumb-lilac that went with absolutely nothing inΒ our yellow, grey and olive bedroom colour scheme.Β  Plus, they were so ridiculously short, I’m sure all the other curtains on the street were laughing at them behind their backs.Β  Poor sad curtains.Β  They really deserved better.Β  As did the windows.

Enter Anthropologie.Β  Wait, no, scratch that.

Enter Anthropologie CLEARANCE.

Oh that’s more like it.

At Β£118 per panel, they were well beyond my budget at the original price.Β  But thanks to their sale, I got them at Β£60 per panel.Β  Mind you, Β£180 all in is nothing to sniff at.Β  But they are rather pretty, I have to admit.

They filter the light quite lovely – the whole room has a soft buttery yellow glow now that was near on impossible to pick up with my rather amateaur photography attempts.

So you’ll just have to take my word for it.

The panels themselves are a cotton-bamboo mix but they actually feel and look like linen.

And the soft maize colour looks rather lovely with the bedding.Β  Oh and yes, that’s another new cushion from Kas via Achica.

I’ll probably replace the tiebacks at some point and get rid of the redundant one here.

Didn’t take Pablo very long before he decided he had a new spot for looking out.

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