Firstly, I just want to apologise for my lack of posts this week!Β  Work has gotten stupid busy and sometimes I think you just need to give yourself the option to ‘opt out’ of blogging for a few days and recharge the batteries!

I did, however, want to mention two really amazing giveways by two really amazing bloggers…

First up is the rather stunning Michele from Hello Lovely, Inc.

I can’t even remember entirely who found who but I reckon I’ve been a regular follower of Michele’s blog for around 6 months now and she’s very very quickly found her way into my absolute favourite blogs.Β  Not only is she incredibly talented, she’s insightful, warm and has a bit of a dark sense of humour which I just totally dig.

You may remember from this post, that one of Michele’s mixed media pieces winged it’s way to my fair shores and is very proudly displayed on my gallery wall.

“I feel bloated.”Β  Told you she had a wicked sense of humour.

Well, Michele has been so kind as to share some more of her gorgeous pieces with a fabulous giveway that you can join in even if you live outside the US!Β  How cool is that??

The giveway includes two of her pieces along with some gorgeous vintage jewelry.Β  Fab, no?

My second beautiful blogger is the gorgeous Sarah of Modern Country Style.Β  She was one of my first followers and probably one of the first to comment as well and having that kind of support when you are a new blogger is priceless.Β  Kind of like Sarah.

Her blog, if you aren’t familiar with it (and I can’t imagine you won’t be familiar – this girl has got followers coming out her wazoo – and for very good reason), is a mix of amusing observation, fabulous interiors, crafts, a bit of modern country fashion and bags of bubbly personality.

I love the way she challenges the idea that ‘country’ and ‘crafts’ needn’t be something that appeals only to your grandma – this is ‘country’ with a lovely modern touch which is accessible and works on so many levels.

Sarah’s bedroom – this is not your Nan’s Country style.

Sarah’s generous giveway is some gorgeous wares from Spode.

I’m already dreaming what some of these gorgeous spotty pieces will look like on the future open shelving in the kitchen!

So two fab giveaway’s for you from the generosity of two of my favourite blogger chums.Β  Pretty good start to the summer, I reckon.

To enter Michele’s giveaway, click here

To enter Sarah’s giveaway, click here

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