I was a busy bee this weekend…

Oh yes, indeed, my sideboard makeover is almost finished! I have a bit of touching up to do but let me tell ya… I can hardly stand it, I love it so much already.Β  The room finally feels like it’s starting to come together.

I promise a full reveal soon so keep your eyes on Swoon Worthy.

In fact, see that little ‘Follow’ button on the side and all those beautiful people shown under ‘Followers’?Β  Mm-hmm.Β  That’s where all the cool kids hang out.Β  If you go on and give it a wee click you may find yourself instantly more attractive, more intelligent and more interesting and you may just find yourself that little bit more loveable.*

What are you waiting for?Β  You know you want to.

*Results may vary per individual.Β  Please don’t sue me.

All images my own.

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