It’s the little things that make me happy.  And one thing that did not make me happy was looking at all the mismatched hangers on the clothes rail in my dressing room…

Wooden hangers, while absolutely lovely to look at, were simply not practical.  I have way too many strappy tops  that would fall off as soon as the hanger was moved and sheer light garments that would simply slide right off the wood.

So what other options were there?  I tended to always say yes to the hanger in every high street shop around when the girl at the till asked me if I wanted to keep it.  A mismatched menagerie of River Island, Marks and Spencer, New Look, H&M and Next hangers cluttered up my clothes rail for years.

Until I found these.  Velvety soft flocked hangers mean nothing slides off and they look fabulous as well.

Ya know, the thing with open storage is that you want things that are exposed to look nice don’t you?  And matching hangers make everything look so much more crisp.

In TK Maxx, they are only Β£7 for a stack of 10.  And then, in my local Home Bargains store, I found them for Β£3 for a set of 10!  Oh yeah baby… gimme some of that!  Unfortunately, as with Home Bargains, things only last so long and they don’t carry them any longer.  Still Β£7 for 10 is not bad…

And how much better do my clothes look on identical hangers?  Never again will I say, ‘Yes please’ when they ask me at the till if I want to keep my hanger….

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