So I promised you in this post that I would be soon revealing what we were planning in terms of a guest bed for the future guest bedroom/office space.  And I promised you it would be genius.

Well, perhaps you’ll understand when I show you this…

“Well, sure, Kimberly”, I can hear you say. “It’s a lovely room with amazing storage but there’s no bed, it’s just a little sofa – is this a bed for a child?”

Well, what if I told you my friend Alex – the genius behind this design – started off with this?

You’re still confused right?

Well, she turned that worn out sofa above – with a perfectly good sofa bed mechanism – into this…

How?  Well, they tore apart the sofa, realised the mechanism was housed in a plywood box, covered it in tongue-and-groove effect MDF and painted it white… and then built the shelving around it.


The whole process with pictures is laid out over on AO at Home where Alex is one of our contributors and it may quite possibly be my most favourite upcycle ever.

So that’s the plan… we buy an inexpensive used sofa bed with a good mechanism*, buy a new sofa bed mattress for it, then build an entire shelving unit and daybed around it.  We’re going to go for a mix of open and closed storage but we need to fully design the thing first.  As you can see, this fully gets around the problem of needing a bed when we have guests but not taking up precious space when we don’t.

(Now does it make sense why Wayne is as excited about this project as I am?  HE GETS TO BUILD STUFF.)

What do you think of Alex’s genius design?  Give her and her lovely chap Josh who is half responsible for this idea as well as the gorgeous photography some love in the comments…

*Apologies to June of 1910 House to Home who said she’d never make her guests sleep on a sofa bed because yes, that’s what we’re giving our guests to sleep upon!! But I promise the room will have every other luxury to keep them happy and well rested… And if they don’t like it, there’s always a local hotel!! ;)

Don’t miss a thing!

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